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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. I think you're holdin back on that post.
  2. Some of the teachings, and not to mention Mullahs/Sheiks like Al-Sadr use it as a catalyst. I know it is but a percentage of the religion that is the more radical, but look what happens when one Muslim country is attacked by a non-Muslim country. They all tend to stick to one another. They utilize Islam as a tool to promote terrorism, so yes there is a connection. Can't blame the Irish for goin at it. It was a misunderstanding
  3. Meh, not feelin it. Turbo Ford Explorer with a 351W :nod: Something similar http://lokke-home.com/images/Explorer/3.jpg
  4. Fuck IRS, I'd rather not jar my spine loose from wheel hop. With the power it's putting down, it would snap the IRS bad. The competition wasn't horribly fair, but I'd personally rather have the GT500. Just looks like a hoot to side step the clutch and roast the tires. At the same token 4,000lbs vs 3,000lbs. Don't take a rocket scientist to figure power to weight ratio.
  5. This is even more impressive Water + Weapon = No good.
  6. This is another reason why 5.56mm is a piss poor fighting round. Mack makes a great case for the 6.8SPC, not to mention a gas piston operation. Granted, the traditional M16 style gas operation works. Curiosity gets me on the piston operation.
  7. Granted I'm not a huge 7.62 AR fan, but this looks to be something I might want in the future. http://stores.homestead.com/Laruetactical/catalog/OSR%20Profile.jpg I've always been impressed with Larue Tactical's items. It is still a gas system, but I would like to see what the MOA is on these. More info: http://stores.homestead.com/Laruetactical/Detail.bok?no=268
  8. Fröhliche Weihnachten! http://smiliesftw.com/x/xmasgrin.gif
  9. I can agree with that too. I do love how the American Muslims say Islam preaches peace and all that BS, but so far a majority of terrorists/attacks are carried out by their fellow Muslims. Crusades me all you want, but you don't see Catholics rioting and bombing shit.
  10. Atleast the man had some sort of faith. That's why this country is a pool of sin, thanks to the lack of faith.
  11. There would be people trying to kill you for your money. Must take measures to prevent your capture. That car is missing an AR15 and shotgun rack for the driver. :nod:
  12. Wouldn't happen if I drove http://smiliesftw.com/x/UndefinedMinded.gif
  13. Nothing is as fun as a joint live fire exercise. Machine guns talking is pure sex.
  14. http://smiliesftw.com/x/roflwtf.gif God didn't want man to shove jars in their ass.
  15. I'll post our 56' Chevy project here shortly. Puts that thing to shame
  16. I'll run you once my A/T's come in. Gonna get worked by a tonka truck. http://smiliesftw.com/x/icon_e_surprised.gif
  17. I would hope the pilot did all he could. Gotta feel for the guy.
  18. I doubt the guy I bought my Camaro from still works there. They were pretty good to me for the most part. I'd like to say his name was Jim???? He's kind of a country bumpkin, pretty thick accent being from Kentucky.
  19. http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9374/sige55zq9.jpg Ich möchte, dass ein Fett wie ein Kind wollen Kuchen!
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