There's going to be war, far before there ever is a "peace". I agree there are about a billion reasons people are fighting all over the globe, but a lot of fighting has been going on for ages. I personally hate this new society of "non-violence" crap. A real objective/goal is always peace, but in some regions, it will never happen. Tribal warfare for instance say in Africa and the regions surrounding it. Lebanon is a hot zone of fighting, and so is the west bank/Gaza strip. We could put more money towards peace, but I'd rather see a superior military prevail, with the limit of casualties to personel on the ground doing all the work. But again, remember there are those out there that hate you for being American. They don't know you, don't see how hard you work, but hate you and your family. Hate your American lifestyle of hard work, money, and material pocessions. It boils down to their pure jealousy of our AMERICAN ways. That's why there will not be peace for us inside the United States of America, because we will always be the target for the world. People will always hate us, but want into our country and adopt our ways and live our life. This is why peace will not be an obtainable thing for years to come. Be ready for more coming this way BTW, (just a heads up from those I know in the Intel world)