While active got sick of the 1 year home, one year deployed shit. You come home get maybe a month off, then back in the field, back to ranges, training and straight up balls to the wall work. You don't get much of a social life if you're in combat arms in anyway shape or form. (Combat engineer, scout, infantry, tanker, gun bunny arty) Granted I got out of active duty having put 2 tours of Iraq in not so friendly areas Tikrit aka Sunni Triangle back in 03' during the begining to 04, then in 05' took the very tip of Sadr City then moved to an Al-Qaeda infested AO. Can't hear for shit anymore, knees are kinda shot, have no short term memory for shit, and a few other things. But I'd go back and do it again and again if I need to. I ain't volunteering, but I'd do it again. I got out this past March from active duty in 1BCT 4th Infantry Division @ Ft.Hood. My ass joins the National Guard a month later and kinda plan on stayin in another 14 years and get my retirement check. Army's got it's ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for any other service. Fuck being easy, if I ain't got sleep, food, and something cold to drink, I'm in my prime