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Everything posted by AutoFreak57

  1. I have a '95 Kawasaki ZX600-C. The bike will barely idle at like 600rpm, then randomly the rpms will shoot up to 2000+rpm. The bike also has no power and will sometimes stall as I give it gas. The throttles open and close with the cable and the choke open and closes right. I think it might be spark related.... I noticed from looking online that the wires are 2-piece wires and two of them fell apart when we changed the plugs. Now the wire for cylinder two looked fine and it seems to make a good connection when i pressed it back together, but wire four is frayed on the end. After i rerouted wire 4 to get a better connection, the bike ran a little better and as it went up through the rpms it would be the regular no power and then randomly have spurts of full power. is there anything I can do to fix the wire? or should I go out and by a new coil? or both coils (2 & 4 are on opposite coils)? anyone want to come help me with it?
  2. she was just on best damn sports show
  3. i think i might actually be able to make it to this one
  4. zach, stop bitchin about your ride back from cleveland, no one cares, attention whore.
  5. so, my roomate works at hyde park downtown and he said there was a girl with a new black gixxer and pink leathers that came in. I know I saw a girl riding a black gixxer and I know I saw someone wearing pink leathers last night at bike night. So did anyone on here go to hyde park tonight?
  6. haha yeah, hopefully the plugs will come right out if i change them again. oh yeah, the tank decided to leak today too, that's why my foot was getting wet, but the jb weld is drying now
  7. yeah the bike is a lot of fun and i think i got a great deal on it for the shape it is in. I probably saw a bunch of you guys tonight. I was the one who dripped oil all over the place, lol
  8. you don't like putting your hands on her ass all the time?
  9. it's starting to sound like it
  10. yeah, i talked to kevin later that night, he's a pimp master with teh bikes, glad he could help you! hopefully we'll get riding together soon, i broke my bike friday,lol, so i'm stuck waiting until weds for the part to come in... what did you break?
  11. Well, after a bunch of people told him it wasn't possible... Kevin spent about 20 minutes working on my bike and got the broken spark plug out of the head. I know he has the broken plug, he can post up a picture of it. Just wanted to say thanks again
  12. Hey guys, my name is Craig. I just bought my first bike, a '95 Kawasaki Ninja ZX600.
  13. yotaman got the rest of the plug out with an easyout. all fixed now
  14. well yotaman actually got my bike fixed... but thanks for the info
  15. I might have seen the same bike tonight at work. The bike I saw was a ducati. It was in dublin right by 161 and 33
  16. any ideas on what i can do about it? someone was going to come over today to use an easy out on it, but I really don't think that is going to work
  17. its automotive related, bikes specifically, but I'm sure any auto machine shop can do it
  18. I need a good machine shop. Who can recommend one to me?
  19. hey ben, you so don't have a fzr anymore. but yeah, my plug socket is actually deformed and won't turn the plugs. I grabbed a socket and a swivel from advance auto today. I'm hopin i can get the rest of the plugs tomorrow, cuz I did manage to get plug 1 changed.
  20. yeah, i'm zach's friend. I was out all day too. I was in my gear so long it felt like it was still on after i took it off, lol. But yeah, these plugs look like a bitch
  21. my best friend has a white st165. I've also seen two all-tracs in columbus, they were 185's. the 3sgte is a beastly motor
  22. so, my ninja 600 needs new plugs. you guys got any special hints or tricks on how to change them?
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