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Posts posted by SuperHawk

  1. Hey guys, I just picked up this bike and the guy said he cleaned the carb, changed the plugs, and put a new air filter in but he said I probably should change the oil. Is this a chore? How should I put the bike, just leave it on the kickstand?

    Also, he told me I should lube my chain before every ride, and he gave me what he had left, is that right?

    And my buddy said I should loosen something and pull the tire back to tighten the chain often, how often should I do this and what do I loosen?

    I also want to change the headlight bulb to like a stock white or whatever, there is some gay blue/greeen one in there, but I think I figured out how to change it.

    Anything else I need to know on a bike? What's a "tune up" consist of and how to I make sure my bike is performing top notch?

    When should I consider getting new tires, any way to measure?

    Thanks for any help, I'm sure I'll have more questions once I begin riding.

  2. Well I'm glad you're still here to post, any details or tips on things to avoid? My dad told me NOT to stick out my legs if I get wobbly or something while going a good speed, but he doesnt ride either, he just took the course a couple years ago. Other than that no clue.

    Hopefully I have the same luck as you with the walkin, do they take cash right then or what? What should I take? My helmet/gloves/jacket? Do I need like a paper and pen? Anything else?

  3. Ok, I must've been super tired last night when I was checking that site because now I see what I missed. I looked for the first available class and it said one day only, but I didn't notice it said BRC-2, which is like the advanced class, I need BRC, so I figured it out. I'm going to try and be a walk-in on may 8th, so nobody else go! lol. Anyone have luck with walk-ins? I dont want to wait until September to take it. :cry:

    Thanks guys for the advice. I had a moped when I was 13, I was fine on that and it went 40 mph. Similar at all? I hope, lol. I'm not scared of myself or abilities really, just all the idiots around me. :thefinger:

    One thing that did worry me is almost everyone I talked to said sport bikes don't have good low speed manuerverability (sp?) or turning radius. So I have yet to experience that but I'll see how bad my bike is.

    I want to get on it and try it now but I'm trying to hold off until I get my frame sliders in, just because I know I'd be pissed if I had them and wrecked without them.

    Who's been down here?

  4. Ok, I'm going to try and find some more info about it today, because apparently the schedule the post online is for another class, because it only shows a 1 day class, and its booked until Sept. So hopefully they have some open spots here shortly!

    thanks guys, hope to be out on the road next month.


  5. wait, maybe i'm thinking about a different course and don't know about the MFS or whatever, because the people at the BMV said it was $300.

    hmm... $25 sounds a lot better to me! Where'd you take this?


    All us newbs should get together, holla!

    I ordered frame sliders online today, should be here later this week or so, anyone want to help me install? They say you need to remove the fairings and modify them slightly...this is all new to me.

  6. Nope, I'll be sure to tape a big sign on my back tho... :dunno:

    I don't plan to hit congested areas or the hwy ANYTIME soon, mainly way off the road streets in a quiet subdivision. Or my dad's company has 15 acres, mostly paved in downtown, so I might have a buddy ride my bike there so I can practice this weekend. I do plan on taking the course but its booked as of now.

  7. Awesome, I know a few people that ride, but they are all gangsters and take turns laying down, lol, way to good for me. I'm definitely gonna take it slow, still scared but I haven't been on it yet. Where you located at? I'm trying to find some side streets to just practice and not worry about traffic on. Hopefully its nice this weekend, I plan to ride 8 hrs a day, lol.

  8. what up guys, noob to the board, noob to the sport. just picked up a 99 Honda VTR 1000 this week and got all my gear earlier today. Gonna start riding this weekend, no experience so it might be a minute until I come out to a meet, but just wanted to say hey.


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