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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. Ive bought several salvage title bikes and never had a problem with them. As long as salvaged vehicles are put back together right....I see no problem
  2. The Lambo Club of Ohio has a meeting tonight at Club Azura at Crosswoods(used to be light) on 23North. My understanding is that there will be around 50 lambo's and Ferrari's there. Not sure of a time it starts...Just thought Id let pepz know.
  3. Walmart has the same one...for the same price. NO sears card needed
  4. Soooo...Jones are you saying your a prick cuz your a hater? Ryan good to here. I recently quit and have been doing the mint thing... V8killer....I dont smoke weed, but I believe everyone has the right too....I agree with radioflyer. Of course your far right Republican ways keep you from seeing both sides of things. And if you only new how many great people in the world smoke weed...I think you would rethink things
  5. Hey jones...why are you always a prick?
  6. I went on a ride along with a columbus homicide detective(friend of family). And he took me to all the worst parts of columbus....there are more than you would think. Also wait til Ice(meth) really hits hard in columbus....it will only get worse. If you think its bad now you have no Idea
  7. Linc5.0

    GSR Chick

    bahahaha. I liked the worthless pot smoker comment...and a good crooked cop joke is always good too http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:nDkCluGdNDpKCM:http://www.strk3.com/webimages/cop.jpg
  8. I suggest any boot you get always put a different sole insert....I do and have not had any problems
  9. My guess is that knowing that his old car is in good handsand a friend...that if he really wanted it back in the future....he'd be able to buy it back.Congrats to both parties
  10. ....youll never go back...most people that buy trucks end up having one the rest of their lives
  11. I heard it...listen everyday. Bubba is hilarious. But Ned is the Man
  12. I bought my 01 929rr erion racing edition (11k new) for $4100 in 03. The guy was going thru a divorce and had to get rid of it...I was lucky
  13. Ive been working seven days for months now and it sux...Plus when I get home I have to bid jobs, do billing etc...sounds like you have it goodl
  14. sam...I emailed him today. He still has it..ill pm you his email...Im looking for one with a better body cuz i dont wanna do body work...
  15. i joind ohio nissans just to get ahold of him...hes up by cleveland...gonna try and see it this weekend
  16. i think his car looks hot.....i like the other car but the camber is craziness. Keep posting pics cuz im a fan...just dont throw some big dubs that you have to camber like that.
  17. Kurtz brothers....westerville rd and 270N
  18. looks like abent fork from that pic
  19. i saw a real sparkler bomb blow up a porter john into a million pieces at stunt fest in florida about two years ago...it was sweet
  20. Ramblerman...get the sand out of your vagina. he said he beat your car for the millionth time. NOt you.
  21. hook up to your car....dont turn car on.
  22. what truck did you get sam?
  23. Anyone that wants to buy this and plow...You can come work for me this winter :grin2:
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