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Posts posted by Linc5.0

  1. I agree with who cares who does the work...alot of people dont have the time or the patience to do it themselves...or the proper tools. If you do it yourself and think that makes your car better....here's a cookie http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:wmMhO_Xh0Q3EtM:http://twiggs.org/images/5203-bakery-crisp-chocolate-chip-cookie.jpg
  2. hmmm where are you located... i might be interested i need a stunt bike,.

    if you spend six grand on a stunt bike your an idiot.....

    that said I know Chris has taken amazing care of this bike and it is very clean...anyone that gets this bike is lucky.

  3. im pissed took bike to shop this morning cuz i thought it was supposed to rain all day...dont wanna drive from powell to plain city to get it in this traffic....will be out weds tho

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