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Posts posted by Linc5.0

  1. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs157.snc3/18450_274292716519_545206519_3437083_722725_n.jpghttp://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs157.snc3/18450_274291886519_545206519_3437082_3549767_n.jpg


    this is my back yard...the overflow is the very back corner of the property. Farm behind it...

  2. So what you are saying is you got knocked out by his punch?


    no he swung I dodged, got in close head butted and sent his teeth thru his lip...bad part is it was one of my friends...hes got a scar to prove it.lol


    actually...about 4 months ago now that i think about it....Rhett ran his mouth and was getting his ass kicked....I grabbed the guy on top of him and threw him head first into street meat cart...but I wouldnt consider that a fight...that was me ending it as usual.lol

  3. MEH no. if its a name for a buisness then no.. not from a buisness standpoint.


    lol. this is what I was going for....newbie





    Ya I still talk to Nick, Tony's brother....they are living it up in Cali. Im jealous I wish I had the balls to do what they did...

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