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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. when I was younger, I had a liquor problem too. Just stay away from it for awhile and learn to have one or two mixed drinks when you feel your ready. DONT DO SHOTS, and youll be fine.
  2. you can rent them at any rental place.
  3. then get it cut weekly not biweekly you homo
  4. Yea this faggot tried to give me neg rep...saying welll its still an rx7 I guess...it was grey rep like you said. Thanks Stimmel
  5. im busier than I ever have been. Luckily places have to have there grass cut...I have a good savings, and own all 6 of my vehicles. I have no credit cards. Pray that things will turn around sooner than later forsure.
  6. well done. wayyy better
  7. took it out the other day just for testing
  8. Rexy did you give me neg rep?
  9. Way to go you made it....I don't know what you made yet, but i'm sure something! Happy Bday
  10. Linc5.0

    CR boxing...

    ive beat you 3 times....and i had been playing for 2 months...uve been playing your whole life;)
  11. No i know whats going on...you couldnt afford to buy a nice LS1 like you thought you could so your stuck with that pile of shit you call a sports car...And if I dont know what is going on its because I don't care about what is happening to a nut swinging raquetball player that dates fat girls with herpes
  12. not bad seeing as I can afford to do it. thats what happens when you become a business owner...you pay people to do things you dont want to do or dont have time to do. Any price is okay with me for a one off car that looks good and is as fast as a zo6 for less;)
  13. who's 67 nova...oh thats right your dads you worthless joke...also how many ls1's have you bought this year....cus you've told everyone about 3 yet you still drive a broke ass looking camaro
  14. you do know your the joke of this website right? last time I looked rob was building your car....and it still wont be as fast as mine you fuck
  15. alright....your hybrid is going to blow that stock rear end faster than mine did...prolly blow that stock bottom end to the sky too. all this while getting waxed by a certain RX7. just like last year. better?
  16. Linc5.0

    CR boxing...

    phil you really need to bring me my raquet so I can whoop that ass...
  17. I live in powell as well. PM me what part your moving to. Good intro
  18. hm.everybike is the fucking same. Differences are too small for a normal street rider to tell...
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