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Posts posted by Linc5.0

  1. From a roll of from a dig? From a dig weight obviously matters a lot. Aerodynamics + HP I'm still thinking plays a bigger part once you reach higher speeds.




    4000lb car+driver (500hp) vs 600lb bike+rider (150hp)


    From a dig, bike takes off like a rocket leaving the car behind.

    From a roll, much closer. Car will probably/maybe walk away from the bike.


    Why? Because bikes have shit aerodynamics and less HP.








    i just meant bike to bike my bad

  2. So Phil thinks he can beat me in basketball just cus he can beat me in raquetball... He wants to play for $50 bucks a game... I thought I would see if anyone else wants to get in on this easy money making opportunity? Oh and brandon wants some too but he isnt running his mouth like the short fat phil.....
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