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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. i would buy this cash right now...but its still a rotary.
  2. smile....for once in your life you look cool...actually i guess it is just the car..
  3. just like you ll need more spray this year :bangbang:
  4. :gtfo: lol. i actually rode in that thing back in high school...god have mercy on my soul...i think i was high though.does that count?
  5. what the hell is wrong with you? :zoom:
  6. you guys suck at snow drifting...i guess the plow truck will have to show you all how it is done.
  7. thanks for calling diiiiiiiiiiick
  8. you gonna change your liscense plate>? p.s. what happened?drug bust on 71?
  9. im in.. i have my own teammate and ill bring my own balls. if this happens at shantons...ill buy a keg
  10. im using ad-ware...what is a spybot search?
  11. i have new ones. but this one is the one i have all my business stuff on....
  12. So my comp is running incredibly slowwww. What can i do to fix this? it is about 4 years old. never had a problem till this week...
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