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Everything posted by Skipdalocksmith
Ah........Nope, that's not the Flag I was talking about... Just cause Satan has one on his bike doesn't mean I'm putting one on mine - ... !!
DAMN - missed another - it's like 9:25 and I have 1 quick job to do and I'd be free.... not supposed to rain if at all until later on this afternoon for those wondering - .... I really wish I could of made this ride!! - Skip
If I don't / can't ride up there with you all, I'll be there anyways with a group called the Cartels. We fly a Flag, but we're all a Friendly group of bikers, choppers. crusiers, sport bikes... all welcome, well so long as you ride something OVER 500cc's anyways.... So even if I don't ride up there with you all, don't ignore me please. It's not by choice that I can't ride up there with you and I miss kicking it with you all, just Weds haven't been good for me lately and no one else seems to be riding when I CAN ride. Whelp hope to see you all up there, just trying to get another SPOT other than QSL together for us bikers, plus it's on the weekend so NOT everyone is working. - TTYS - SKIP Doesn't ANYONE miss me?????
That's WHY I planted the seed - Cause the other group I ride with which is "different" was talking about doing the same. But if they really want to get a BIKE NIGHT going, they need Numbers not "names" if you know what I mean. It's all in your hands at this point though! - TTY ALL Soon - - SKIP
Yeah they have like 6-9 of them set up out on the patio. It is a kewl place - ... Me and my other riding Org is hitting that spot this Sunday too..... It's cool there..... at least I liked it!!...
FYI - At Sunbury Rd and 161 on the North East corner there is a bar there which is really trying to get a BIKE NIGHT going there on Sundays. Me and about 6 buddies were there this past Sunday and it was really cool. They have a HUGE BAR inside, and a HUGE PATIO outside too that has two outside bars. Live Band and all that - It's a FRESH Place to hang out and NOT too many know about it. Just thought I'd offer a suggestion the place was pretty cool. I THINK it's called GORDY'S???.....But I'm not 100% on that - Something to think about/consider!! - SKIP:badgerrock:
FYI - At Sunbury Rd and 161 on the North East corner there is a bar there which is really trying to get a BIKE NIGHT going there on Sundays. Me and about 6 buddies were there this past Sunday and it was really cool. They have a HUGE BAR inside, and a HUGE PATIO outside too that has two outside bars. Live Band and all that - It's a FRESH Place to hang out and NOT too many know about it. Just thought I'd offer a suggestion the place was pretty cool. I THINK it's called GORDY'S???.....But I'm not 100% on that - Something to think about/consider - SKIP
I'm totally up for meeting up for some shooting... I've NEVER shot at clays though, that would be fun. My .45 is my favorite and most accurate too - ... I'm game, just need to know when and where.... I've never been to PP's property but seems everyone has a blast there!.. Whelp just let me know if we're setting something up 614-507-1515 L8R - SKIP
but seriously I collect firearms - IF we wanna set a time and place and I'd love to come shoot some other guns than my own, and of course would let those who let me shoot theirs shoot mine, I have..... many - Next for me is an AR15 ......2008 bday present for me since my bike was my 2007 bday gift.!!... Just keep the thread going and I'll keep and eye out for a time and place.! - SKIP
I DOUBT your going to go threw a Brick with that "P" shooter - .... Even my .44 mag will only break them and if not hit right it won't even break it....Just put a huge chip in it. But good luck!.... Gun looks SWEET!!!!
I TOTALY AGREE! - That was my whole point all along...! - But We're all in love again and I'm Happy for that. A little depressed that Cleaner isn't even open minded to "loving me" though.... I haven't been able to sleep for two days now since I got that message Hope you didn't catch wood Cleaner - I was TOTALLY and ONLY joking!!! But your my favorite riding buddy! See ya soon - .. just not to hocking hills until you get a little more experienced!... kidding there too!!...
Datz Sum FUnE Shit Right THERE!!!
Sorry about that Satan & Chrome, but you both know I'm a short guy and you know how we are and the complexes we carry. So whenever I think someone is messing with me, I gotta front like I've got brass balls.... Sorry about that and I agree it did get outta hand - Won't happen again.... LOVE ALWAYS, SKIP
I took offense to your comment about if you weren't talking to people it was because you didn't want to talk to goofballs and that it wasn't because you were shy....... I guess nothing else is needed to be said - I took it personal and as if you were "name calling" which well......my reaction is above. Didn't mean to offend you though, and perhaps you didn't mean to offend me either. Which ever way -.... what's done is done....... Stay Safe and ride it like it stole it!!..... - SKIP
I'm not on anyones "NUTZ" - I'm voiceing what's being voiced within the OR Group, but just not on the board. FYI - I am a leader for the Org called "Cartels" - I wasn't bashing, I was just suggesting to those who really want to ride to talk to one another so that we can ride. Up and down High is boring. But if your suggesting I'm the one your not talking too, you've talked to me many times. So.... Dunno where that came from - I don't talk bad about peps on here, in their faces - Or ride like an idiot - I was just making a suggestion. If that bothers you tough shit! Take a valuim and Get over it - I wasn't pointing any fingers and I'd suggest you don't start pointing fingers, especially at me because i've NEVER done anything to you or anyone else on here. I've been out and about when peps say their getting together so I can meet peps. I know I got under the skin of some when I suggested calling us OHIOBIKESITTERS.NET, but I was seriously kidding - From reading other fourms I thought it was OK to joke on here. But I suppose you don't know me well enough to know when I am and am not kidding. But as it stands I like everyone here and depending on your smart ass remarks perhaps it will me minus ONE! Which isn't a huge deal, and I won't loose ANY sleep over it! - SKIP
yeah QSL is getting more and more lame by the week - Last weeks turn out was bullshit. But there is a select few riders that IF THEY don't come, THEN NO ONE else comes either. Too many followers and not enough leaders on here! - ... Shoot even the event OR is supposed to sponser on Monday, that last Monday I heard like 1,2 or 3 people showed up and that just shouldn't be!!... I'm a little disappointed that this OR thing isn't as organized than it is, but the Fourms are GREAT and everyone is nice here that I've ever met - But WTF? - Just wondering -
National Trails gets boring, I think peps go for a year then take a year off, I mean you can only be interested in watching someone/people go down a straight line so many times before it's REALLY freaking boring. Everyones time is REALLY close to the last person, or they suck butt. Cols really needs something more interesting to do with bikes. IF TB on campus wasn't around, I think EVERYONE in Cols would sell their bikes!
I've had those passes twice in the last 5 years, and honestly I thought it was the worse place to watch them! - .... The second time I got them, I gave them away because I wasn't impressed at all the year I went and used my passes. Perhaps it's changed, but several years ago it really sucked ass there. - My 2 cents - ... not that you care, but if you don't enjoy it, I TOLD YOU SO!!... hehehee - SKIP
It WAS a GREAT ride - ... !! I'm glad there wasn't a LARGE group of us though - Get too big of a group and most would of wanted to ride down there and sit around!! - So I'm glad there wasn't any of that this time!!! - YES! - It was a blast! - SKIP:violin:
Is Off of Cleveland Ave not far from Ferris Rd. Let me know if you wanna see it, my cell is (614) 507-1515. Or call Dave at 614 - 406-2966 and tell him your calling about the boat at his house and wanna see it. Either or if you just want to look at it. A good cleaning needed and the prop works we have it referbished over the winter but haven't put it back on. Exterior Bench needs reapolstered too - That's all it need though - Comes with life jackets, it's either 6 or 8 I can't remember. Misc other things too - Just let me know - Thanks for your interest. Sincerely, - SKIPDALOCKSMITH
Hey MrBret, so far as I know the Time and Place doesn't ever change for Bike night at QSL. It's always the same as last week at Shell @ 7pm or there of. Just wanted to let ya know - See ya there Mate - Do you drink Piss?....hehehe........I'm sure you get that, even if no one else does!! - L8R - - SKIP
to get a pic scanned I don't have a digital pic of it though - It's in good shape, going to need some TLC and a GOOD CLEANING - Sitting over 12 months now. Runs and has a rebuilt prop now - ... come by see it -
Yeah I paid close attention and he and I decided we didn't need/have to have the stand too. So next time, when I tighten it I'm not going to use the rear stand. It kept getting tightg on us and we couldn't figure out why. It's prolly cause being on that stand, the tire kept moving back as we tightend the bolt. But now WE know - Thanks to EVERYONE for their help!! - ... Flounder swings both ways?..... I didn't know that, I heard stories, but I thought they were pulling my "chain"!! Guess Not - ... Shawna Doesn't mind?... Doesn't she get Jealous??!! - I would with that "HOT PIECE OF A MAN" Flounder is.....!!.. j/k I hope you all know I'm just Josh'in - SKIP
Hey Cleaner, I haven't been on here and won't be on here much this week. So hit me up on my cell Thurs/Friday and let me know what time we're leaving and where you want to meet at. Again I'm off Cooke Rd or Close to Morse Rd area. Just let me know - .... Perhaps Hybusarider can make it too Sat, he's fun to ride with too. See ya Sat - - SKIP
Was on an 89' Ford, has slots for 8 lug nuts. I think their 225's - Radial Tires, have less than 1000 miles on the tires - Tires and Rims $900+, MUST SELL cause they don't fit any of my vehicles. $250.00 obo - Will deliever in Ohio for $50, I accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover - Must be paid in advance if delivered! - Oh, I ACCEPT CASH TOO! - SKIP 614-507-1515