Ok for something alittle more constructive..... Why did you put 2 quarts of oils in the bike? Was it leaking? if it wasnt't chances are you way overfilled it...this would cause the crank to froth up the oil and creat alot of undo pressure in the crank case... The good news is the engine has a pressure value bad news is it vents into the air box...thank the wonderful EPA... All oil that is blown out of the engine has to be reclaimed so that means out the block and into the intake. you GSXR is cold blooded as it is ...gotta love the carbrators dont miss mine... anyways Im willing to bet that you are pumping oil into the intake and your choking the crap out of the bike and it just stalls out cause oil doesnt burn as good as gas. pop out the air filter and feel around the air box for oil... Or get a center stand and check the oil the right way. I know all this becaus e I just got freaked out and did alittle reseach cause I overfilled the busa by less that 1/2 a quart