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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. Busy here. Work is pummeling me with pallets. So far this week over 112. Bathroom is close to being done. And before anyone asks, I switched up some things so I'm remodeling the remodel. Which is why it's taking longer still. That is all.
  2. circumnavigation Don't get the bonus part, but w/e...
  3. I have found my self signing by drawing a house with a sun and birds before...never got a second mention. I don't sign the back of my credit card in the first place. But they don't ask for it much anyways so why's it matter...
  4. http://www.drunkrepublic.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=97:when-your-credit-card-signature-fun-backfires&catid=34:humor&Itemid=60
  5. I don't like backpacks for long rides. Someone above mentioned the Nelson Rigg saddle bags. That's what I've got for my bike. Used them to go to Deals Gap and back for a weekend. They worked outstanding and doesn't put near the stress on your back. Also they have the capability of attaching a top bag for more storage. i got mine for a good deal on newenough.com.
  6. Anybody else working today and making double time and a half?
  7. I prefer oem...I think the ones in your avatar are really just fine theres no reason for aftermarket. Oh...you're talking about on your bike...
  8. Meh. Hasn't affected me much. Drove from St. Louis back home last week in that ice storm and then today just from work to home.
  9. I'm watching this thread. Would definitely be interested in playing though. The gun needs to come out of retirement.
  10. He does, but he's the secretary and maintenance for them and still only works 15 hours a week... I need to find a sugar momma that's what I need to do.
  11. You can be a target....sit in the middle and give us all something to shoot at
  12. I would like to find a handful of people to play some paintball in the dayton area. I have a few friends that play, but it's not a lot of fun with only 3 of us. Maybe we could set up an OR.net event somewhere and rent a field that would kick ass!
  13. What's he do? Retirement isn't a job sweetie...
  14. My schedule looks like this... Sat - work Sun - off Mon-Tues - work Wed-Thur - off Fri-Sat - work Sun- off Mon-Wed - work Thur - off Fri - work Damn that place.
  15. Initiate She ate ice cream and three cheeseburgers initiate 6 doughnuts!
  16. www.mccallcolors.com Examples of his helmet work http://www.mccallcolors.com/helmets.htm He painted my bike. I'm very happy with the result.
  17. mayonnaise mayonnaise a lot of people browsing the forum right now.
  18. Thats the place. I am happy with their work. Seemed like fair pricing. Quick turn-around. They even throw in a free t-shirt
  19. Mandy? When did you start posting on Brad's name?
  20. Not this week for me. I might be working OT and gotta get my bathroom wrapped up...
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