I am getting the feeling of it a bit. The .005 wont go in but the .004 will. But I can feel if it is easier to get past the cam , or it feels the same sliding back and forth, but some it seems like there is a little too much drag on the guage. Mine have a slight bend at the end of each guage, they are not completely flat. they look sort of like this: ____/ only not such a extreme bend. My valves have buckets that the shims are under. This is definitely different than the Ninja 250 valves when i did them. This seems easy though, just check the clearances and write them down, then check them three more times just to make sure the numbers are right, then you just pull the cams, check the thickness of all the shims and do the math for the differences, then just triple check the numbers again and put all the right shims in all the correct places and button them up. Seems easier than the 250 valves in the sense that you dont have to check clearance, adjust the valve then rotate the engine and do it again. As long as you get all your numbers right you just put in the correct shims and you should be good to go. If as many of mine are off like how they are i think i just wasted money on the shim kit, im betting i am going to need more than three of some of these shims, and thats all that came in the kit. Ill have to see after i do the math. Every one i have checked so far have not even been close to what the clearances should be. On the bright side it should run beautifully when it is all done. If they were that off it should feel like a brand new bike. I just saw that on some of these shims HOT CAMS is spelled HOT CMAS. oops...