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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. This is interesting because I (and most I know) like WP and think Willett is nothing more than swill in a really cool bottle. I won't buy Willett. Waste of my money to me. Lot of hype, lot of disappointment. That's why they say, "to each their own" though, right? :)


    I bought a 50ml of the Whistlepig to try out. Not sure if maybe there were quality control issues with it, but I was surprised for sure with as much praise as it’s gotten. It had strong spearmint but otherwise pretty flat when compared to the others back to back. Maybe I’ll try another pour in a bar someday, but not risking a bottle purchase on it.


    The Willett is good, but not worth the $100+ people are paying for it. If you can get it for retail which should be around $65 then I’d pick one up. I think the Pikesville is the best bang for the buck and I may get another bottle.


    Also during this trip tried out Jack Daniels Single Barrell Barrell Proof and was really impressed. It’s hot at 132 proof, but tons of flavor that has staying power. Definitely worth a try at $65 if you like any Barrell proof whiskeys.

  2. With a buddy on vacation and doing some tastings and comparisons. One of the more interesting was a rye flight with Pikesville, Whistlepig 10, and Willett 4yr. We did that one blind with the help of our wives. Our impressions were that the Whistlepig was trash, I was glad I bought a small sampler and didn’t drop $85 on a full size bottle. The Willett was the winner being super complex and seemed to have something new on the pallet with each sip. The surprise was the Pikesville. For $55 it’s the standout for value as I thought it was really close to the Willett and is much cheaper and more available.
  3. Nice pickups should be something for everyone there.


    I’ve been going back to scotch lately and just joined the Scotch Malt Whiskey Society. Anyone else here a member and/or have recommendations on their current offerings?

  4. Clay did they say they wanted you to get a test for her? It’s a tricky situation for sure.


    Olentangy announced they’ll be virtual Monday and Tuesday next week then we’re out till Dec 1st anyway.

  5. I did Rust Bullet about 5 years ago. I didn’t sand the floors because at the time that was the selling point of the product. I wish I had sanded because it’s flakes off in certain places where the concrete was smoothed out from previous owners parking their cars there. Other places have taken great abuse with jack and jack stands and no issues.


    I’ve considered sanding it all up and starting fresh but haven’t had the time to want to dedicate to that, so I’d recommend doing it once and right.


    Also, if you’re going to be working in the garage a lot, skip the flakes! I did them cause my slab was slightly pitted and it covered up blemishes. It worked for that, but it’s HELL sometimes finding dropped bolts and nuts on the floor.


    I’d honestly consider tile in the future if you won’t be welding in there.

  6. I’d have all 4 checked and cleaned. Those converted secondaries are known to have issues over time like just sticking wide open, so don’t be too surprised if you have a bad one. Hopefully it’s something simple though and good luck.
  7. Not necessarily, if the spread is asymptomatic for the most part then your gonna see more positives but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. That just means more testing more positives.


    We can all argue this day and night but the bottom line is if you don't test everyone and retest often then the data we get down to the masses is pointless in our discussions both ways.


    The asymptotic patients would be great news, and may be happening places, but the rise in hospitalizations in those hot states seem to indicate that’s not what’s occurring in those areas.

  8. If more testing were the sole cause for increased new cases you’d see the positivity rate go down. For some states with small increases that’s showing true. For the states that are having current case surges that is absolutely not true.


    There also differences if you’re looking at the nation as a whole or states individually as the NE is calming down, Midwest pretty steady, and South and West coasts going thru surges.


    These statistics get used in different ways by different people to fit their message, but in what I’ve seen CA, TX, AZ, and FL are definitely spiking and it’s not just more testing.

  9. Cheap car racing is expensive. Try to get some quotes on what it takes to field a competitive spec Miata. Then think about how that applies to faster classes and series like IMSA or top level SCCA, NASA, etc. it gets crazy pretty quickly.


    That’ll continue to keep me out of car racing unfortunately. Kart racing at a club level is about as rich as my blood will get.

  10. The OHLQ site is awesome and I’ve found it to be pretty up to date. The state owns liquor inventory not the stores so this is a look at the agencies inventory system. I’m just not sure how often it updates.
  11. greg think about it. one of your children or family has a crime commited against them. according to your logic, the perpetrator stopped for a traffic violation shouldnt be arrested or the police wouldnt be allowed to carry to help with arrest since its "traffic enforcement".


    Ironically I do agree with you on other points you made.


    I think the point of this is: what if one of your children or family is pulled over or stopped by the police. Perhaps for a petty crime or perhaps on suspicion of crime that your child or family never committed. Then they are killed by said police by use of force wasn’t warranted.


    This scenario keeps happening over time. It occurs, there’s an uproar, then no change happens. That’s because it’s easiest for the masses who are not affected by this to just go back to daily life.


    I think that people have had enough of there not being any change, so the uproar is louder and should be until a real change can occur.


    I’m not sure what the solution should be, but history has shown it’s not just putting the officers on trial and moving on with our lives.

  12. I don't think these guys will be getting acquitted.


    I'm sure many here like me remember the case of Rodney King. The difference is back then they waited until after the trial to protest and riot.


    Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


    I don’t think the primary officer who was responsible for his death will be acquitted, but the other 3?...not sure how that will go. If there’s only one officer going to jail will the masses be content with that? I’m doubtful and I see that being a likely scenario.

  13. I had started some kettlebell training before lockdown that was meant to supplement my work in the gym. Now it has become the replacement for the gym. Swings and getups 5-7 days a week has helped keep my quarantine eating and drinking in check and hopefully ready for kart racing season.
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