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Posts posted by dorifto240

  1. At the Kickstart Coffee House, on High Street and Price.


    I don't know if anyone else has been down to see this place yet, but it's sweet! Scooters, Royal Enfields, a bike shop, AND coffee!? What's not to love?

    I just picked up a full face helmet (snell/dot approved) and a riding jacket (CE approved armor) for $78 and some change!

    Beyond that the coffee was great and so are the employees

  2. The worst thing was the idea of disappointing my parents. I still wonder if my dad is proud of how I turned out, and I'm a successful 26 year old and I have a great relationship with my dad!

    And when I did misbehave (AND GOOD GOD DID I EVER), I knew there were consequences.

  3. That's never an easy thing to deal with, let us know what we can do to help. I'm a decent cook, and can whip up some meals for your family ( I know cooking food is the last thing my family wanted to do after coming home from the hospital)

  4. It's one thing to misspell an unusual word, or to now know what an acronym stands for. But misusing the word "to" I mean really?!

    I appreciate the nod for grammar police deputization, but that Booty Hunter hat has a sirens call..

    And LOST I hope your pussy feels better too?

  5. Seriously! Why can't people take the extra time and spell a word correctly?

    "To" is not a substitute for the number 2. "Your" and "You're" are completely different as well!

  6. do the right thing for the right reason? now only if we could spread that to the rest of the world!

    You learn that by realizing that doing the wrong thing ends with an ass whooping. :beathorse:

    My friends parents had the right to beat me if I misbehaved at their house, and if it happened, I knew a whooping was waiting for me when I got home. And a whooping. Not a beating. A beating involved one parent, a whooping involved half of the extended family and two or three days. They'd fire up the grill, call the aunts and uncles and tell them to bring a covered dish.

    Seriously though, I recommend "Last Child In the Woods." A big part of it involves unstructured play and exposure to the outdoors. Both of which are being shown to be beneficial to the development of resilient and capable children, who in turn grow into resilient and capable adults.

  7. The home farming operation on the roof was also genius! Not that I've put too much thought into it myself. heh heh. (already planned how to barricade my whole house quickly and then retrieve loved ones)

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