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Everything posted by mx5kthxbai

  1. Look for a group of goofy people standing around bullshittin. There will be a pearl white Suzuki and a Yellow Ducati in the group.... damn..apparently i missed this! were you guys the ones in the back corner sitting around in the grass? oh well, i'll probably be there in two weeks. i'm getting a niceeeee bonus from work so hopefully i'll be on my own bike soon enough, but probably not out and about on bike night for awhile yet..
  2. well..i went to bike night but didn't know anyone..sooooooo yeah. :tongue:
  3. i'll be out there, but since i get off work at 7, the only way i'd be able to meet at shell on time would be if i wore my work/dress clothes. i'll just be seeing everyone over at QSL...though i have no idea who any of you are!
  4. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1800 thank youuu! i get off work at 7. damn it. do you usually stick around or just meet up and cruise over there (the whole .1 mile) lol? thanks..your sig picture is hilarious!
  5. thanks! that bike is gorgeous. my "dream" one is kawasaki green..!
  6. part of me really wants to jump in on the flaming here lol. but..i want a 250 so i guess i cant too much. except mine's going to be sexy kawasaki green if i have any choice. but seriously..maybe you should take one of your female friends shopping and learn how to dress yourself? lol. shit, my boyfriend is a nerdy engineer and he dresses cooler than you. oh..maybe it's cause i dress him now.. :tongue: hey, dont feel too bad. my boyfriend had a 250 and i still rode on the back with him. my ass hurt pretty bad after like ten minutes, but i guess it's not much improvement from the ass hurting after 20 on his 600 lol.
  7. i'll keep it in mind, but that's not really what i'm looking for. i'd rather start on a 250. thanks though! :wink:
  8. i was planning on taking the course at mid-ohio. i'm in columbus..i haven't checked craigslist yet. i thought the general "rule" was that you should be able to handle your bike if you can pick it up. i'm not sure how bored i'd get with a 250. i drive a freakin' mazda miata with like 100 hp. it's slow as shit, and i'm not bored with it (yet, it's been 6 months) because it handles like a dream. and if for some reason i dont pick up a bike this summer she's getting a super charger. honestly, i didnt want to get into some kind of debate over what size bike i want. i could give two shits whether people think i'm goofy looking on a 250. sure, it might be "cooler" or hotter if i were on a 500 or 600, but i would rather be safe and comfortable. oh, and for the record: girls on bikes are hot! i admit it!
  9. thanks..i'm already sick of being picked on for wanting a little bike!
  10. thanks. getting a 600 doesn't make much sense if i can't pick it up if it's on its side. i'm a small-ish girl, i dont have a lot of muscle. picking up a 600 to you might seem easy since even skinny guys weigh 50lbs more than me. my boyfriend has a 600 and i seriously cant see myself handling that size bike very well. sorry i'm stuck in my ways but i'd rather be safe than sorry. i'd also rather lay down a crappy 250 than a 600 considering the facts are that most people lay down their first bike. also, a 600 isn't really in my price range. at least for what i'd like to spend on a starter bike.
  11. i'm looking to buy a used ninja 250 this summer. just seeing if there are any on here. i'm not sure how much i'm looking to spend..not over $2k for a used ninja considering they're like $3k new. anyways, i'm a little girl and need a little bike..dont hate! if you know anyone, help me out!
  12. some of my friends from ohiohondas sent me this way because i'm looking for a bike. i dont have one, but i like to ride on the back..i know, real cool . my boyfriend has a yamaha yzf-600r and he's moving to columbus in the next couple weeks and i'm sure we'll be out and about. but yeah, i'm looking for a ninja 250. something nice and small. dont try to talk me into anything else- if you havent figured it out yet i'm a girl (hence why i was talking about the boyfriend! :wink:) and maybe one day i'll get a bigger bike. in case anyone cares, i currently have a mazda miata. i grew up with hondas, had a prelude and a civic. i also had a 240sx that i swapped a sr20det into two winters ago but i sold it last summer. so i'm used to being around cars and stuff, but i've never really been around bikes much. i look forward to getting a bike this summer!!
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