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Everything posted by exSRAaron

  1. wth happened to those headlights...if ur gonna mix in a big ass circle, why not put a projector headlight in! ugh i'll have to check one in person to make my mind up..
  2. lovin' the first pic! huskies are kickass!
  3. this is what the paper i got from MSF says: riding without a motorcycle endorsement include up to 180 days in jail, a $1,000 fine, license suspension for to one year, and/or having ur motorcycle towed. lame guess im done breaking the law till im done with the class. btw, the classroom part of the MSF taught me NOTHING, not being a squid or anything but i seriously learned nothing that i dont already apply when I ride. cant speak on the riding part yet. Aaron
  4. impound ur vehicle I would think too, cant think any others off the top of my head tho..but losing my license for one 1 yr would be the worse thing ever. i'd go crazy...
  5. exSRAaron

    Qs&l 09-26

    I'll probably be there if it doesnt rain, but i may be a few mins late at shell, I have a dyno appointment at dynotunemotorsports at 6. We'll see.
  6. now wheres the back of the shirt where the group sticks his saddlebags up his ass!
  7. ahh yeah! thats a good price for an f3 with so low of miles. let me know how it goes. Aaron
  8. http://www.600rr.net/vb/showthread.php?t=88471 check this out! jump on it, before its gone. located in OH too.
  9. If you need anything, I'll gladly lend my support also. just let me know and sry to hear bout everything it looks like ur trying ur hardest! hopefully ur diligence will be well worth it. Aaron
  10. the s8 is an amazing machine, air controllable suspension, big ass v8, 6 or 7 inch tv with GPS and everything you name it...i've road in a decent amount of audis, very fun cars..
  11. exSRAaron


    wow thats crazy..it pissed me off when they pull ppl over that u can see through then u see those gangsta cars with black windows always riding around?!
  12. how hard is it to take the test with a 600+ sportsbike? I've heard of ppl taking it with a scooter but idk about that..
  13. exSRAaron


    20% is legal i believe, take it to count, but he may show up since he's had a death related to the situation..hmm
  14. I was out cruising, my father got a new bike, and i noticed a very clean ducati roll-up behind us for a few miles, then saw he had an ohioriders sticker! I was riding the yellow 600rr. btw where can i get a few of those stickers ...
  15. check out cbrforum.com, I see a lot going for decent prices on there..good luck! http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/427483962.html thats a 900rr, but that seems to be a veryy fair deal. might be worth checking out. Aaron
  16. haha no..i'll get my ass handed to me
  17. honestly I would recommend an F2 or F3, hell maybe even a F4 if ur lucky in that price range. I had an F2 for a while, still very quick and well balanced bike and you shouldnt have any problems with them even with high miles. I've seen people running over 40k on them too. pm me if you have any other questions.. Aaron
  18. haha uh huh..if only u had a 600 jk
  19. my father worked at MAG automotive in Dublin, and was always bringing audi's home. love em! but they are pricey tho! but based on the quality I'd recommend them to anyone, best AWD system out there to boot..the TT's are fun as shit to drive btw
  20. +1..meh gixxers just dont do it for me anymore..
  21. exSRAaron

    Qsl 9/19

    haha...250bunny you gonna be able to make it?
  22. +1, what ever happened to the ole' days when he just played football?!
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