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About mrbret

  • Birthday 12/06/1974

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  • Name
  • Location
    Westerville, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    2017 Kawasaki Ninja ZX14r

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  1. mrbret

    My stuff

  2. I recently traded my 07 ZX10 for a 13 Victory High Ball. Just waiting on some decent weather to get out and put some miles on it.
  3. Used to be? Cheeky f**ker. If the weather is good I may be there
  4. hey mate. Just bought a house in Monterey with an extra bedroom! Just in case you fancy riding laguna seca etc! Door is always open Gooner brother!

    Hurley (No one calls me Ashley here, just Hurley)

  5. I'm in if its dry and not 2000 degrees like it ha been.
  6. If the weather is good i'll try to be there on the green machine
  7. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  8. WOW swamped with replies this week
  9. As normal, meeting at the old Circuit City on Polaris at 7pm, shoot some shit then roll over to QSL about 7:20. Who's in?
  10. Short notice but who coming? Old Circuit City on Polaris at 7pm then roll over to QSL about 7:20pm. See previous posts for map etc.
  11. Bike night still at QSL, just some of us meeting at CC first.
  12. Short notice but we'll be at old Circuit City close to 7pm. Any one else coming out tonight?
  13. Evening everyone. If we have good (but not to hot/cold/wet) weather etc who's up for this weeks QSL bike night pre-meet? As normal, Meeting at 7pm in front of the old Circuit City on Polaris Parkway (see map below) then around 7:20 we can roll over to QS&L, hang out, get food & do whatever tickles you fancy from there. For anyone that does not know where, Here is the map of where to meet up & the long ride over to QS&L
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