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Everything posted by mrbret

  1. Thanks chaps. Nice to be noticed and all that. Cant wait to get the bike all finished up & ready to roll to Daytona & soon'ish after QS&L. Hopfully there will not be as much QS&L meeting place stuff this year. I'll be more than happy to start up the QS&L stuff again when the time comes if no one has any objections.
  2. A group about beer? I'm English, sign me up
  3. Still need to swap mirrors. anyone want to upgrade from syock to carbon look?
  4. mrbret


    I'm not pissed about getting caught (well not 100% that anyway). I was using my damn GPS to get out of shitty downtown, so must have missed that sign saying no go on 71 but when i saw a fucking great sign saying 71N this way I followed it. The point I was trying to make is that the cops (cops, judge what the fuck ever) still ended up giving me a fine for more than the 5 time DRUNK driver that hit me while I was at a stop light. I dont give two shits what your opinion is about that, that is fucked up!!!! And please feel free to quote my post where i say I hope the cops family get hit by a drunk driver, maybe you should get off your soap box & read what I said & not add shit you think I said. I also dont think I said I did nothing wrong either, please feel free to quote me if i did say that exact thing and again not something that seems to have been implied. I just thing the cunt in the badge could have gone about the whole thing a little different & not been a complete prick, ticket or no ticket. If you are a cop or becoming a cop or want to be a cop, dont forget there are a lot of shitty ones that make normal people hate all of them. For the good ones out there, carry on the good work. I'll be paying the ticket, not disputing it, If i was wrong then I was wrong, shit happens. Just not need to be a prick about it.
  5. The ones I got (see bottom of page 1) are designed/used for stunt riding so I am sure they will be strong enough for me road riding.
  6. Those are the ones I got (with free stunt DVD) for $130. I am not sure how they will fit with them being higher & hitting the fairing etc, we shall see.
  7. mrbret

    No caption

    Look Jagr, there is your bike on the right... sob sob sob
  8. mrbret


    DOH, didn't think about that
  9. mrbret


    If mr Lawman gave a shit & did something about keeping drunks off the road & not credit most of their fines & court fees back I may be a little less pissed. I hope when one of their friends or family get hit by a multi time drunk driver they are happy with the job they are doing, Protecting & Serving. Protect & serve, what a fucking joke that is.
  10. mrbret


    Some fucked up highway exit downtown you cant get onto 71N even though there is a sign the size of a truck saying 71N, cant cross 2 lanes or some such bollocks. The fucking prick gave me a ticket/fine that is $10 more that the drunk in the jeep got for hitting me on his 5th DUI. If you are a cop or know a cop give them a huge FUCK YOU from me today. CUNTS
  11. Mine was an 07 with 295 miles so not "new" but pretty much as close as you are gonna get for a used bike.
  12. mrbret


    Fucking arse clown nazi bastard fuck nut time wasting jumped up wannabe special picked on as a kid muther fuckers.
  13. That Busa was at last years Int Motorcycle show, nice wheels but I wonder what they are like at speed / cornering...... hold on, it's a Busa, for get the cornering bit.
  14. This may be an easy question but I work for a bank so bare with me.. How easy / hard is it to paint (rattle can type paint) a small piece of raw finished mild steel? Is it as easy as: Clean, Primer, Paint
  15. Here was the first post about it: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=19049
  16. GOD DAMN WORK FILTERS!!! All I see is the X I'll have a look at home. Good party though, thats to all involved.
  17. +1 to taking the SV over the GSF for sure
  18. mrbret


    Yes Ananda, you can stay, You are as good as living in the Ville now & you are from what I tell, the ony chick that's posted so far. We do have CBRGIRL & my wife but no postes from them yet
  19. Hello and welcome to the world or OR.net. If you are interested in a 250, we (250bunny & I) may be able to help you out. Shoot us a PM if you think a 250 may be in your future.
  20. I think we should all chip in a few bucks & have a Ohio-Riders / Team Kawasaki.
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