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Status Updates posted by F4iBunny

  1. Hey, do you know where I might be able to get or a site from which I can print an ad for Roll On Columbus? I haven't been to IP in a while (bad me!) so maybe they have some?

  2. Mom's doing ok. Was going to go up there this weekend to take the PT up but I'm not sure it will make it. Talked to her today, she said after any movement her knee swells. Maybe a little more time off of it.

    About the job- they don't think I can handle the management position along with my hours at MV. They are worried about which job would take priority. They offered me a part-time position to try me/them out. I accepted but haven't heard back. So I don't know. We do know how they like to take their time. Are we still on for Wednesday?

  3. Surgery went well. Guess it was worse when they got in there then they originally thought from xrays so good thing they did it. She's supposed to be in the hosp til tomorrow. I've been working non-stop and haven't had a chance to call and see how she is. Might go up next weekend when I'm off to see her again.

  4. Love your new avatar! Might have to steal it! :)

  5. Hey, I finally got someone to take the first half of my shift on the 8th, so we're good. I still have to go to work at 11.

  6. Yeah, Bret said you had a try on the 1000. Cool! You'll love riding. He said you guys were gonna go check out some 600's. I have one more 12 hour shift on Tues but I'll be out on Wed. See you then! What happened with the falcon? Worked on a raccoon tonight!

  7. Nope, I'm off tonight. Got the new computer up and running so I'm trying to catch up on things I've been missing online.

  8. Hey girl! What's up? Sorry missed you yesterday.

  9. Here's a couple vets for you to check out:

    Westerville Veterinary Clinic - 882-2332 - Westerville Rd area

    Willow Wood Animal Hospital - 855-3855 - New Albany/161 area

    Oak Creek Veterinary Hospital - 890-9700 - Schrock/Cleveland area

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