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Posts posted by F4iBunny

  1. I do like a Mazda 6. I've just got a certain amount I'm wanting to spend, and I don't want to go above that, mainly because car payments suck. I'm open to suggestions for things that are maybe a year or two old, as well. Gotta say I'm kinds looking forward to trying out a Smart car today. Pics WILL be taken. :)

    Are you looking to buy used or new? Because if you think a 6 is too expensive you need to stay away from the Smart Cars. They start around $15000 new and probably not much less for used due to the novelty. I got my 6 (2003) last year for around 8. A car that's a couple years old will be way more than that unless it's a POS.

  2. I have a Mazda 6 and I absolutely LOVE it! Very fun to drive, but it is a 5 speed V6 so I don't know how a base model 3 would be. I agree, the 6 isn't great in the snow but once I got used to it (previously had a PT Cruiser that was awesome in the snow) I had fun!

  3. Awesome that there are tornado warnings/watches all over and Twister is on TNT :lol:

    When Twister first came out, a tornado hit at a Drive-in while it was playing, just like in the movie! Love this movie too! Was just listening to the soundtrack the other day.

    ...turns channel to watch Twister....

  4. I see the storm, tops at 33k and 100% hail somewhere in it. Looks like Westerville should be ok, on the South edge of the storm. It will be close enough though. Now Delaware, it appears to be right in the path.

    edit: tornado warning just went up in an area South of Findlay.

    I have Westerville address but in Delaware Co hence why M&D warned me about Del Co. I love a good storm but hopefully the hard stuff will stay north. Dog is not panting or pacing yet, so we shall see...

  5. My mom and dad are near Toledo and are ham radio operators. They volunteer for Sky Warn where they monitor the weather when conditions are supposed to be bad etc. They just called and said the storm headed our way could be bad, hail, maybe tornadoes. Should be to Delaware Co in 30-45 mins. Similar weather in Lucas Co has taken down barns etc tonight.

    Oh I wish I could fit my car in the garage right now! :(

  6. Had to sit this one out. By the time I crawled into bed this afternoon, I had been up for about 30 hours and have to work overnight tonight. Sleep trumped bike but now I'm up after only 4 hours sleep. Damn it! Try again next week.

  7. I'm sorry, did I miss the part of the initial story where she ASKED to be searched for?

    If her husband reported her missing, that would make HIM responsible. An adult woman has the legal right to go AWOL. Moral, no. legal, yes.

    Better question - can this "missing" woman sue for invasion of privacy if the news stories about her continue? While she was missing, you could reasonably argue that her story was a "matter of public concern" (protected speech). Now that she's not missing, is the story still a 'public concern?' What if they find out she was cheating on her husband and publish that information? It's not illegal to cheat on your husband (in Ohio anyway - i think some Southern states still have infidelity laws on the books).

    On the flip side, if they find out her husband was beating her, I don't think he could sue, because he would be committing a crime. It's a lot more reasonable to argue that spousal abuse is more of a "public concern" than infidelity.

    Maybe she didn't ask directly for them to search for her but when she did not return and especially when she left her car abandoned with a flat tire etc, she indicated foul play may have taken place and that something may have happened to her causing the police to look further into her "disappearance".

    Same with that "missing bride" who ran away a few years back. She just decided she didn't want to marry the guy. So instead there's a national hunt for her as a missing person. That's just not cool.

  8. :rolleyes: Anyway, I was venting when I made this post. Never said we were not in the wrong, just thought is was a little premature for them to jump on us like that when it had only been there a few days. Don't care who agrees or disagrees. Because we don't have a minivan or a 3 year old, and don't get our jollies out of taking care of the lawn, we really don't fit in here. We are trying to sell our house to someone who will.
  9. No, being immature is running to tell on us instead of saying something to us. I'm being the mature one by not making him uproot his damn plants and trees. Besides, whether we rev the bikes on purpose or not, we still get home in the middle of the night. There's no changing that.

  10. If you choose to let things slide, that's your problem not his or anybody else's. He's fully within his rights to report HOA violations just as you are allowed to reclaim your property. (if you continue to ignore the property issue btw, eventually he can claim that land as his.)

    Also, you're either backtracking or lying one the revving issue:

    At the end of the day, no harm was done to anybody. As petty as it was, you did break the rules. The neighbor could have handled it differently, but it is what it is.

    Life's too short to hate your neighbors.

    No lying. Gotta increase the revs to get the bike up the driveway. A little rev before turning it off happens sometimes too, yes, for spite, just not always. And, yes, we run the bikes during the winter, sometimes late at night/early morning. But unfortunately for them, running a vehicle is not a crime, no decibels over the legal limit.

    I let the property line thing go because it wasn't worth making a fuss over 1-2 feet. Didn't think I needed to be that petty. It's not like there's a fence or anything. County records show where the line is if I want to get stupid but I'm not like that. When my parents bought their house the neighbor's fence was 12' onto their property as was the neighbor on the other side of them. The fences had been up for several years but they had to be moved once the error was realized.

    No, life's not too short to hate your neighbors. But it is too short to live with neighbors like that. I can't wait to sell this house and get out of here!

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