Looks and runs excellent. Good: Runs great, all stock except for Yoshi slip on system. Lights/signals all work. Shifts good, clutch is good. Tires good. New rear sprocket, rear wheel bearings and battery this spring. Valve adjustment and oil/filter change (full synthetic Rotella) only 1k miles ago. No mechanical problems whatsoever to my knowledge. Starts up first try every time. Bad: Tear in the seat that I have covered with clear tape. Brake lever end is snapped off (been that way since I got it, not a big deal). Clear coat on wheels isn't very good. Some small dings and nicks here and there as would be expected with 46k - not perfect but looks damn good from a few feet away. No mechanical problems whatsoever to my knowledge. (bike is at 3k RPM because it was just started with choke on, it doesn't idle there of course) Reason for sale: Start grad school next week. Asking $3300 OBO - located in NE Ohio and willing to travel for proper gas money.