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Posts posted by XB12Ss

  1. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention... On my way out of Athens I wanted to take 13, but I missed my turn... ended up on 33 which sucks. So I figured 13 runs parallel with 33, so I can just hit the next exit and cut over to it... Missed the first one... then the second one... then found township road 36. It went from a crappy single lane, to a crappier single lane, to a GRAVEL fucking road, to a rut 'n' mud, dirt road!!!! It was insane... I think I found my first Holler though... It was very scary... I could hear banjos and echo's through my head saying, "you damn sure got a perty mouth."

  2. I just found 550 Saturday... I was on 555 and it's the last stop sign before you get to rt 7. I thought about turning there, but wanted to finish off 555. Warning, that last section of 555 is majorly fucked up... LOTSA gravel in the turns. I ended up hitting 550 on the way back up... What a pleasant surprise that road was... Fairly decent surface, no gravel, not very technical, but some fast sweepers... I took it into Athens. I am going to take it the other way next time.

  3. Does anybody really notice the one maybe two HP by using synth on the street? :dunno: Think about it, you'd spend $30 (given you get your synth from UDF (good catch Fusion)) each time you change you oil. If you're like most well minded owners you change it at 2500 mi. or sooner. And let say you really do ride you bike instead of posing in a parking lot with it. So that's about 3 oil changes a season, not to mention the oil change before and after storing it. So you're up to $90 a year for one or two HP. Keep that bike for a min. of three years and now you've spent $270. I can buy enough dino oil for $30 to change it 3 times a season. I'd rather spend that money on something that will get me more than one or two ponies.

    Again, this is simply my opinion. You can agree with it or :thefinger: off. :D

    Probably not, but I know it's there... :grin:

    Plus I guess since my bike is air-cooled the drop in temp will be nice...

    And if I decide to keep my bike for 200,000 miles it could be worth it...

  4. I like the twisties... I like finding them... I generally just leave town, head in one direction, and get totally lost... then try to figure out my way back. Doesn't really do much for improving my skills as I am hesitant to push hard on roads I am not familiar with, but it's a blast none-the-less.

  5. Ooo... the oil question... An endless source of debate on every motorcycle/car forum ever created...

    My two cents...

    Syn: Free's up HP, engine runs cooler, longer service intervals, do not use on an engine that is not well and fully broken in (I've read anywhere from 1,500 to 3k miles before switching).

    Dino: Probably what your bike was designed to use. Cheap, works, cheap.

    Filters: Check out some of the cheap knock off's... many of them are made by the big names (ie. the same damn thing - sometimes.)... Fram and it's knock off's have always done me well. As far as the K&N nut... surely makes life easier, but I have never met an oil filter that I couldn't get off by pounding a screwdriver through and using that as a lever. Quick and dirty, but effective.

    That being said, once I hit around 3k miles I am switching to syn, just to free up a pony or two.

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