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Posts posted by ironbuttwannabe

  1. Thats not really true. Bullet energy is a factor of velocity and bullet weight which has to do with ammo type, weight, and barrel length.

    No. Bolt actions dont have moving parts trying to eject a round and chamber another during the firing process and therefore are inherently more accurate as everything is static during the firing.

    I know you have shot more than me, but trust me a bolt action 22 at point blank range to the head will kill one shot. Semi with same ammo will not.

  2. Too small. Start over.:D

    8 foot ceiling. There is really no reason to go any higher. I thought it looked really short too, but I. Think since it is so wide its an opticle allusion. We might have to put some heat in it when we first start loading it in about 3 weeks or so. Hopefully we won't need any after that

  3. For your walll above your footer consider the cost of concrete and pour your walls 1 or 2 feet above your garage floor. Makes it nice for cleaning and no dead area wear floor/wall meet. We are. Putting Durotherm on the inside walls of our barn. It will make your garage much brighter. Insulate it as much as you can, but you probably already know some of this. Also.....FLOOR HEATING!!!!!!

  4. STT-Brian if it is so easy to start a small business, then why aren't more people that are on unemployment doing just that? I've added tremendously to my dads farm and there were at least 4 years we made less than 30K between us. Were we bad at what we do, no. We are in the top 20% of USA. Fact is now wherever govt sees a chance to make more money they will, just to turn around and waste it. As long as we keep buying everything in china and other countries it will just keep getting worse. If I was in govt, I would try to pass a law that says equal trading. You want us to buy 3 million dollars in supplies, you have to buy 3 million dollars of supplies from us

  5. Damn, I thought you wouldve had sides and a roof on it by now?

    yeah it took a couple days to get the slats unloaded. Then about a week to set the 350 some slats. Crane had cylinder problems and had to swap/rebuild them

  6. I think it would be for draining the poo, but won't the meat taste different if they aren't able to roll around in their own chit?

    Correct, all manure and urine gets pushed through 1 inch slats. Pit is 8 feet deep then we will have to buy a pump to suck it out. I would venture to say 99% of pigs in USA can't really lay in their crap like you see pictures. If outside they like to lay and roll in it because it's the only way for them too cool. Pigs have no sweat glands. This barn will have cool cells which are pretty much swamp coolers like you see in Arizona.

  7. 1291318211.jpg

    Hard to really see much with the snow, but colums were set on concrete. Then precast slats set to make the floor. Almost had a driver put a load of slats iin the creek but luckily we could pull it out with the dozer. It should go pretty fast with the trusses going up next week

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