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Posts posted by KhaoticRebel

  1. Oh no, on second thought, I better cancel that friend request! Jk! I haven't been on a whole heck of a lot lately due to the drought in games, but come fall...HALO 3 BABY!! Woo hoo!!!

  2. Yeah I guess it would help if I added mine as well...LP 13 and VampySpitfire. Yes, the first one is turbo-creative, I know. Excellent guys, hope to catch you online for some halo or what not. 420 and cleaner, I sent you a FR.

  3. Hey do we have any gamers on this site? I have a 360 and play mostly Halo, Rainbow Six Vegas and Gears of War (if I'm REALLY bored.) I'm waiting for Moto GP '07, Assassin's Creed, and Halo 3 to come out among others. Does anyone else game and, if so, what's your gamertag on LIVE?

  4. If you continue on 250 to VA it's a sweet trip through the mountains. I've driven it twice, but haven't had the chance to ride it...yet. Then it'll dump you out South of the Blue Ridge Parkway, which is also supposed to be amazing.

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