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Everything posted by tomin40

  1. Haha. Yeah, after I posted the link I thought a lot of people don't check emails all of the time. Only HD Theater I think.
  2. I saw the commercial for this yesterday, looks awesome. You can set a email reminder from the website. http://dhd.discovery.com/tv-schedules/series.html?paid=66.15708.128168.38048.1
  3. Sorry to hear that. Just take a week or two off from riding and don't blame yourself.
  4. I highly doubt it is Schumacher. For how many races he won and how much $$ Ferrari was paying him there had to be a clause in his contract that he couldn't race/test/drive other cars.
  5. Haha, the whole time I was thinking, your girls look a little too young for us... As in under 18.
  6. Good ride, hope everyone got back safe. Glad nobody had any unpaid parking tickets after we got pulled over. My favorite quote was "Because you guys didn't run, I am going to give you a warning."
  7. Yeah, should be great weather. Will be there round 9.
  8. Mmmm donuts. I might join ya in the morning. Let me know if you are still going to head down there.
  9. Beautiful pics, the first one is my new background.
  10. Haha! What about a Gay Drug Dealer for being North-Central? I kid, I kid.
  11. Staying North of I-70 is probably your best bet. I have lived in Worthington, Dublin, and now Grandview and all have been great places to live, quiet, lots of things to do around each of them. The Polaris/Powell area is good too, but lots of traffic. I think you can find a nice place to rent, relatively cheap in any of those areas. The one thing you have to watch out for is commute time to work. If you have to hit any major highway interchange area(270-70, 315-270, 71-270) things can get really backed up during rush hour. I just recently moved from Dublin to Grandview because it was taking me 30mins to an hour just to get downtown for work. Now I am there in 5-10. If commute isnt an issue then disregard the paragraph. As for hospitals, I have been to OSU and Riverside and have received great medical care. I have friends that work at Mt. Carmel and they seem to enjoy it.
  12. Im out also. Gotta work for a few hours in the morning and dont think I will make it out in time to meet up with you guys. Sucks, I was looking forward to the ride. Hopefully the weather stays clear for you guys, ride safe.
  13. Awesome pic! But I think its missing something...
  14. tomin40

    Semi vs. my bike

    Wow. Glad you are alright. Good thing that you were wearing your gear. Hope you heal up quick.
  15. I'd be down for sunday or saturday depending on the weather, it effing changes all of the time. Shitty weather service.
  16. It is hilarious, I highly recommend. “Is this hotel pager friendly? Do you have a payphone nearby? Like a group of payphones?"
  17. tomin40

    Cops on 315

    Yeah, I heard 25 people were pulled over last night within a 1 hour span. I'm going to stay away from 315, its a cluster**** now anyways.
  18. Welcome! Another Honda rider.
  19. Have been excited about this game for a while. Hopefully its as good as the movies.
  20. tomin40


    Go Crucial. I buy it for my computers had home and for the servers at work. Never had a problem with them.
  21. I was driving back to my house in Grandview and saw a group of 2 guzzi's and 2 ducati's ride by and thought wow you don't see that very often. This explains it. Might be cool to check out sometime.
  22. Im probably in for this, but will know for sure next week.
  23. Nice man! +1 for the good guys.
  24. Looks like a good road, might have to make a trip.
  25. tomin40

    How many?

    Holy Shit! 26 illegals + the driver who wasn't.
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