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Everything posted by xTHExBOSSx46

  1. Aeroforce scan gauge took care of those guys. Lol pro tip though.
  2. thanks should have access to one at work tomorrow. didn't think of that one
  3. but i like pretty lights. its like christmas in my dash
  4. I can already tell im not going to get an answer to the question i asked in post 1. i must have mistaken this to be the tech HELP thread. if anyone has the answer please PM me thanks
  5. congrats your the first person to tell me that. LOL but its filler till i get my wide band i have an empty slot in my dash pod so i am filling it. useful information moving forward please.
  6. just checking here first before i Google it in case someone has a quick answer for me. got some gauges and pods for my b day and one was a air/fuel ratio. just have to hook it up to the o2 signal wire. anyone know for sure which one it is of the top of their head. its a 2002 gt. i figure someone else has done this before on here. on a side note im running a off road x pipe so no cats and obv MIL eliminators. which o2 sensor should i run this off of or does it matter? if anyone feels like answering the question and doing me a solid please PM me id appreciate it!!!!
  7. are you even aloud to tell someone they re posted?
  8. thanks for the reply's ill be hitting maxton up on one of my breaks tomorrow
  9. obvious information is obvious thanks this is why i came here because i figured CR would be the best shot before going to the dealer. id rather give my money to someone local first who could do it than go straight to the dealer.
  10. both my brother and i have new FOBs that need programmed for our cobalts. does anyone have the equipment to do this? and how much would you want to do it? would prefer not to go to the dealer and get charged out the butt for it. cars are chev 2006 cobalt ss and a 2005 cobalt ss. thanks!!!!
  11. ANY. THING. you wanted to
  12. i knew mixing would cause that which is why i didnt try and fill the tank back up till i knew what was potentially in it. the rest of the fix looked ok but it was also dark and rainy. soooooo bust skulls. flush system. got it. btw this was autobody collision and glass on east broad.
  13. car was in the shop after hitting a animal and the radiator as well as front mount heat exchanger needed replaced. my cobalt takes dexcool, which is obv pink/orange/red / whatever color you wanna label it. point is its not greenish yellow. car is fixed and im driving home and my low coolant text appears in my dash. i get home and check it out. radiator tank is super low and cap isnt on all the way. im like whatever ill just fill it i dont wanna go back. so i look at the H/E fill valve and its the color of dirty water. no where near red. and i look closer at the other tank and the same thing. and its after closing time so i cant call till morning. is there a dexcool alternate that looks like dirty water that im unfamiliar with or do i need to bust some skulls together tomorrow and make them flush and do it right?
  14. my buddy is getting rid of a dishwasher ill get some info and let ya know
  15. thats why i kept it around cause most likely thats it. ive fixed quite a few that way for friends. but i bought a new one a while ago and just wanna ditch it. getting married in a month and looking to unload some things i dont have time for.
  16. i have a white 360. works most the time. sometimes freezes during game play. but hasn't during video playback (netflix) not sure what causes it or if that is by coincidence that it hasn't happened during video. no hard drive. it is a hdmi model and will come with power adapter. im thinking $25obo.
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