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Posts posted by rockybalboa

  1. If I need to shut up or listen you need to do the same.Most people onthis forumn are tired of JRMi political ramblings.If you don't belive me check out the frist couple pages of the server break down discussion thread.Here is the thing about political views,There is not a true correct answer.

  2. Gone. :(

    Obama RULEZ! :D:p:D

    Seriously I hope you die and go to hell! This is not a political forumn.Keep your fucking opinions to your self.You saw how out of hand this stuff got last time and you still decided to bring it up again.I will vote but I'm not going to tell you who for but I do hope Obama loses just to piss in your cheerios.

  3. Actually you can. You can defend yourself from harm without the aggressor actually making physical contact first.

    It really doesn't matter how this law is written.It all comes down to who the cop belives.Example. I was attacked while sleeping in my tent at a public camp ground by another camper from a different camp site.Because I was the superior being he went to the hospital and I went to jail for assult. No more details will be discussed. ME= sleeping HIM=attacking but still I spend the knight in jail.B.S.

  4. sorry to hear that man, hopefully ur sense of humor can at least tag along on that ride, since it cant make it to this one :(

    I have a wonderful sense of humor thankyou.I don't have any tolerance for newbies and squids that have huge egos and big mouths.My biggest problem is those guys that are that "fast" they never learn anything because there are just that "fast".

  5. Remember who actually started it, YOU DID, you approached him. Aggressive driving is not illegal in Ohio and you cannot get a ticket for it.

    Actually this is wrong.I can say any thing I want to you ( short you death threats)and the cops can not do any thing about it.Been there dealt with that.Any type of unwanted touching is illegal. Aggressvie is also illegal.Cops have been targeting tailgatters and people that swerve across traffic.

    Sorry I wasn't there.Hopefully that never happens to you guys again but we all know that is only a dream.Maybe next time I'll be there.:boxing::beating:

  6. Ride leaves QSL @8. You need to be there and find Queenbee Bornsinner or myself to find out where the meeting spot will be. It will be some where close to QSL.Then we will ride for about an hour maybe a little longer ending down onOSU campus.There will be hills and turns involved in this ride. NOT all freeway

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