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Posts posted by nochknstrps

  1. Could someone please explain on how to register for trackdays with STT at mid-ohio. STT's website directs you to Mid-ohio's website which says the courses aren't available.

    right or wrong? safety wiring is only required for Advanced riders right?

  2. How do you plan on showing me some great roads around dayton when you don't have a bike. Hope you get that 14 by the time it gets warm. Yeah word spreads fast. Oh and I hope you have removed all emotional attachment to that 636 you just sold cause by the Crane's gf gets done with it... well you get the point.

  3. Sounds good. I took a long lunch break today actually drove the roads. Only two of them that i mentioned are good. Yesterday I just noticed the curvy roads sign and the first section and it looked pretty good then I went back to work and used our GIS softwear to look at them from an areial view and they seemed ok. Sadly I was wrong.

    So yeah I'll def. hit u up when it warms up. Are there any bike night around? Or do you ride up to the one in Columbus at quaker steak and lube ever?

  4. I moved to the dayton area not to long ago from Cbus. Brought my bike down for a week and said F@#$ it. I got bored really fast and I didn't have time to go looking for some twisties or my own track like I had around Cbus. So I took my bike back to my rents. Anyways I was driving around for work today and found some sweet roads right by my office.

    Just south of Dayton mall between Springboro and Franklin

    Sharts Rd. (yeah sharts rd)

    West Lower Springboro rd

    Cranes Run Rd.

    Shepards Rd.

    Thing is the speed limits are 25 and 35 and Cops are like roaches around here.

  5. actually lemon law is an arbitration process against the manufacturer, not the store. it doesn't have anything at all to do with the store. my cousin just recieved a brand new ford f450 dually after arbitrtation with ford. kawaski will either send me an offer to sweep it under the rug, or take it to arbitration and risk the media getting involved. ohio lemon laws are very clear and easy to interpret. www.ohiolemonlaws.com. only thing is the outcomes aren't guarenteed. ohio law states they have to make it "right" with the consumer; which is a gray area and where the arbitrator comes into play.

    motorsports is actually helping me put a case together by giving me all of my service orders because its more beneficial to them to keep me as a customer. kawasaki cant punish them for selling a lemon.

    thats what I figured and thats what I think happened with those Zx 6s

  6. I know a guy who's selling an '03 636 that was wadded up at The Dragon... Same guy?

    nah... my buddy just had a kid and need to get rid of it. only 1600 miles on it, with light scratches from him laying it down at the end of the drive way. sweet ass deal.

  7. Anyone have any suggestions on a few performance upgrades for the 07 gixxer. I've basically put my bike away for the year cause my job has me on the road all the fucking time. So I figure I might as well start upgrading it for next year. It may see some track time (gonna get my buddies 03 zx636 for the track) but mostly nice twisty roads. I already have an aftermarket exhaust, stock was the first thing to go. I have my own ideas for the rest but I'm open to other suggestions. Anyone do a chain and sprocket conversion or ignition module?

  8. Took the words right out of my mouth flounder but shadeball is an understatment. Ousley99 are the guy that put Big Joe's Boz Bros exhaust on your 10?

    I heard about your lawsuit Flounder while I was working there, they tried to keep it hush hush for a while. I didn't get any details but I know "the working man's friend" could care less, you know you're not taking MOC to court your taking the corporation Motorsports Solutions. More than likely they will spin it so Kawi has to pay for your bike in the end. Which sounds about right, I don't know much about the lemon law, but it was a brand new bike so it should be under the manufacture's liability. Which is it?

  9. Kawi has had all sorts of problems with thier bikes this year. They have a major problem with the cams on thier 6s but they wont go public with it and make a recall (as of two months ago). Has something to do with the cams. I used to work at MOC and sold one of 3 that had the problem. Kawi paid for it but my customer missed out on 2 months of riding. Good luck man dealing with MOC. The service department and parts guys will do all they can for you they are good people. Don't count on the Sales dept to give you any answers.

  10. that rule only applies to state troopers. Local PDs can do whatever. My girl was pull over by a Dublin officer on 270 west of sawmill rd. The cop was clocking east bound traffic outside of his car behind the wall on the west bound side, near the 33 exit.

  11. You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

    Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

    Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

  12. Yeah fuck those guys, I'm not ready to shoot anyone but if i had of had a bat or something with me it would have been "welcome to the thunder dome bitches!"

    It all started with a ride from easton to the airport with me leading. Theres about 10 of us. We passed 3 harley riders doing a about 80 something nothing too crazy with a lane btwn us and them, at least I did. It looked as if they were gonna get off at 670 but instead thier drunk asses decided to mix in with our group. riding inches apart from me and boxing me in behind a car. Then cutting off Yota, (jk you know i love you man), not to be confused with yotaman from the forum, and someone else off. Thats when all hell broke loose. I went after the two that were ahead but there were cops on the hamilton rd. exit so i let them go. We all seemed to have regrouped with one of them still in the middle of us. Yota and the other rider made him pull over to the side of the road. I don't think anyone did anything to him but I'm sure his drunk ass about pissed himself with those two in his face. Should have kicked his bike over fellas!

  13. I happen to ride with an asshole, his my friend but he's still an asshole, that puts his helmet on the side of his bike. I'll never understand it. And a guy I worked with ruin a brand new shoei by laying his bike down leaving his driveway.

    For the term squid, its thrown around my workplace all the time. Mostly because there is this ass that hangs out with us and talks shit about everyone that comes in and thinks he is the greatest thing on two wheels when he can't ride for shit. We use squid as another word for poser.

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