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Everything posted by puck_954

  1. get to the pony and buy pitbull sands LOVE THEM
  2. i personally have had 3 mustangs and 5 bikes i went one summer without a bike and went nuts its now been 3 years since ive had a mustang and im good the bike is way better plus it cist a lot more to tow a car to the track run it pay for gas to run it then tow home a lot cheaper to put a few hundred miles on a sunny day and just relax get the sportbike
  3. where r u riding to me and a few guys from zanesville will be out tomorrow maybe we can meet up?
  4. depending on what style your looking for i just bought icons field armor boots and i love them they're more street looking instead of track like i said just depends on what you want
  5. puck_954

    great ride

    yesterday myself and friends rode down rt 60 to 26 north which for those that have never rode it nothing but twisties. wonderful road until 3 or 4 miles from rt 800 the road turns to crap we then went north on 800 burning through the corners at high speeds 800 is a wonderful road anyone who hasn't rode it definitely should. all in all great day of ripping down the road lots of wheelies and tons of curves next time i'll post the ride hopefully some new people show!
  6. short notice but theres 11 of us meeting up tommorrow the eighth in duncan falls at the bp station at 930am we will go to marietta up 26 to 800 back 147 to 313 into zanesville area weather pending all are welcome
  7. whats up my name is puck i live in zanesville area i ride an 02 954. i like to ride hard and make it back in one piece. hoping to find some new people to ride with
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