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Everything posted by GhostRider357

  1. hey guys this is the bike im looking to buy from my bud next spring...it has 176000miles...2002 been dropped in a turn at about 40mph...D$D exhaust....damage on the right fairing and a crack by the turn signal.....he wants about 3500 for it...and hes going to get it inspected for me before i buy it.....tell me what u guys think!!!!!! thanks
  2. Wow my thread whent from what my original post was to this? lol guess its the new discussion thread? still looking for a 600!!!! Greg
  3. hey guys....nest spring im looking to buy a bike....it'll be my first bike and im looking for a gsxr600....If ANYONE knows anyone that is selling next spring...im looking for a 2004-2006 gsxr 600 NEVER DROPPED! with low milage and good condition.....ive been looking aorund at prices but its a long way to spring so i figured id asked if anyone knew...PM me if you do.. Thanks...Greg P.S. im partial to suzuki but other ones im willing to consider are cool...600 class only though
  4. actually im a senior but w.e lol
  5. yeah i love the 600's butit seems they have alot of power for a 1st bike
  6. go bucks welcome bro...Ride Safe Im the squid of the group
  7. yeah nick i added you already but u ddint approve yet...im no.7
  8. Since alot of people are telling me to get a 600 straight away becasue i'll get to bored on a 250 im considering it....I got a buddy of mine selling his 2002 GSXR600...its in pretty good condition except for a few things. It has 17,600 miles on it and it s had its valves adjusted and its 15,000mile maintanence....It has a crack on the right side fairing from when he dropped it..he said he dropped it at about 30-40mph and he got a new chain and sproket after the drop (ud have to drop it kinda hard to need those replaced i think...plus the fairing is cracked on the opposite side of the chain) he's getting flush mount turn signals installed and he has an aftermarket exhaust (i forget the brand but its loud as hell) he wants $3600 for it....i dont like that its been dropped....what do u guys think? Good buy or not? Thanks
  9. hey man check the gallery...i posted it under Motorcycle humor and if u click on th image twice it will give u full size
  10. Saw it and damn near pissed my pants
  11. it just looks like the suzuki god just took a mad shit
  12. you know i dont own a bike yet but im rly tired of everyone telling me "your gonna kill yourself" when i tell them i want to get a sportbike....Like i said in my intro im gonna start with a kawa250 and learn for a season then buy a gsxr600...im tired of everyone saying that so im gonna get what i want.....(anyone else tired of hearing that ) Thanks:cheers:
  13. yeah guys i rly want a sportbike....like i said in my intro start with a kawa 250 then to the GSXR600 but everyone keeps telling me im gonna kill myself of a "crotch rocket" whatever...im gonna do what i want....
  14. Hey guys....Ive been racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with the money i have for a bike.....the 2 im considering are a 2008 Harley Davidson Sportster XL883 or the 2008 Suzuki M50. Both are between 800-900 cc's and they're similar bike but i dont know what to decide from... I like the harley look and the name but HD is sometimes > And i like the Suzuki becasue its a bit lighter and is liquid cooled....What do u guys think? As my first bike an 800-900cc crusier isnt to big.......Give me as many opinions as possible! i need the help Thanks
  15. Hey everyone...im new to the site and just wanted to say hey...Im 17 and i hail from Solon, Ohio. Dont have a bike yet but my dream bike is the 2007 GSXR600....but theres no way in hell that it will be my first bike (dont want to be scraped off the pavement). I want to take the MSF course and then get a Kawa 250 and ride that next season and learn on something thats forgiving before jumping on an RR type bike....well just wanted to say hello to all the other riders. Ride Like Everyone Is Out To Kill You. Greg
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