Long Story short, Worthington Cop was a huge Douchebag. I got a call from my buddy about 6pm on my way to QS&L anyhow, that he broke down on RT315 & 270 East(Cleveland) Exit. SO I take some tools up there and one of his intercooler pipes had popped off. SO we are getting it backing together and a Worthington Cop, Officer G Swenson to be exact, f*king a-hole PRICK, any how comes up asks if we are ok. We tell him yes car is ready to go and we are leaving. He runs my plates and I had expired tags, duh they were from 10-07. So he tells me they are expired and that I can't take the bike, and he is going to impound it. My buddy chimes in and tells him we are picking it up with our own truck. So he goes through some speal and my buddy goes to get his truck. I got one ticket for Expired plate(Deserved), another ticket for parking on the side of the road w/expired tags(WTF)!!! I was like give me the ticket and I will see you in court. Then he took my license plate so I wouldn't run with the bike? I am not fighting the Expired Tags, I deserved it and plan on paying due to my laziness. But parking on the side of the road w/expired tags???? C'mon!! Had a nice army guy pull over and wait with me while my buddy was on his way back and the guy was like, "yeah thats cop definantly didn't get laid last night!" I laughed its all I could do from calling that pig names. So court on May 6th, yeah fun for me! P.S. I have never had one moving violation ever, car or moto. I am 24, i plan on using that in court. Not to mention I let the cop know I was helping my buddy only reason I took the bike out, he didnt care. Its pretty obvious he doesn't ride.