I am sure you read that I was in there trying to purchase a Dirtbike the first time, and I also tried to look at an R6 the second time. I bought a dirtbike the same week not from them obviously, so I wasn't one of the lurkers(Dreamers). I had the money, I brought CASH for them. If they are too dumb to take that then screw them. I am not trying to be an asshole here, I am just saying that I hadn't had the best experience with the Showroom thats all. Now as others have stated their Service/Maintenance area is prolly #1 in Cbus. And thats why I buy parts from them hands down. When I need something they know the exact part everytime. I have never brought a bike to be serviced by them, because I do all my own, as well as my cars. But I do hear they are the best.