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Posts posted by psyco1

  1. I've known a few nuisance control guys.

    Skunks are usually pretty mellow, you can often walk up to the cage without alarming it and pick it up and gently take it to the back of a truck, then transport it to a bridge, tie a rope to the top and drop it into the water.

  2. i like a lot of stuff about ron...

    then i saw him say he does not accept evolution and thinks its "just a theory" ::facepalm::

    now i dont know what to think.

    Everything's a theory, but there's a difference between the scientific definition of the word and the layman's.

    He's right that evoloution's a theory, a scientific theroy, that means it's consistent with observable evidence from multiple observers, like the Theory of Relativity. Lots of different things have been observed or correctly predicted with it, such as gravitational lensing, time dilation and Mercury's odd orbit that couldn't be quite pinned down with Newtonian Mechanics, but was dead on using Einstein's equations because it took into account the sun's massive gravity causing Frame Dragging. The sun's deep gravity well actually pulls space/time around with it.

    Whereas the average guy's definition would be akin to "My theory is Mr. Mustard did it in the Den with the candlestick." That's a hypothesis at best, probably more like an opinion.

    So yea, it's a theory, just not like he meant. That or he was trolling the idiots.

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