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Lamar Vannoy

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Everything posted by Lamar Vannoy

  1. I'm gonna have to go home and get the bike after work, will be there by 6.
  2. Everyone but Jerm will be riding....
  3. My buddy has a trailer I could borrow, does the danger ranger has a hitch?
  4. Weather got worse, chance of showers and windy now.
  5. I may be able to make it now, also have a wedding to go to on the 13th.
  6. Yeah, I think the damn thing is somehow quieter though.... Maybe I'll have to chop a couple inches off.
  7. I'll be down there, not sure if I'm taking the bike though.
  8. Titanium pipe in good condition. Sounds great and is not too loud. I will post a picture in the next day or two. $200
  9. I'll be out but cannot stay long.
  10. I have always gone out of my way to avoid the traffic. I see much less of it on my current commute.
  11. Depends what time I get back from Haspin.
  12. I used to work just south of there on Spring Grove, it can be a little crazy after work. Looks like it was a cafe racer and I bet dude has some work in it and is pissed!
  13. I've always heard that Tri-State hooks up better but have never been there.
  14. I got it off ebay as a full system made shorty, but wanted to keep my Leo Vince high mount, for $158 shipped. The shorty is not in the best shape anyway. The OEM header exits straight back while the Yosh kicks out to the side a bit. Had to have it cut and welded to get it close enough for the slip to fit. I think it performs better but was over winter so there is no back to back. I think I am using the Akropovic map and will probably get tuned soon. I am also running a PC IIIr so I will probably play with the ignition too.
  15. If that header had the connecting tubes from 1-2 and 3-4 I'd say it looks identical to the OEM one but polished/chromed. I just put a yosh header on mine and am pretty satisfied with it. Took some work to get it to fit w/ my slip-on though.
  16. Work blackberry = no camera.... Between the leathers and dude's bike, you two looked pretty serious.
  17. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=39.00918,-84.469628&daddr=KY-915%2FS+Licking+Pike+to:KY-10+to:KY-10+to:KY-10%2FWillow+Lenoxburg+Rd+to:S+Main+St%2FSeeger+Ln%2FUS-25&hl=en&geocode=%3BFRVQUgIdiP73-g%3BFXCvUQIdGLL5-g%3BFcdmUAId2e35-g%3BFaIMTgIdfOz7-g%3BFQaKTQIdl7H1-g&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4&dirflg=h&sll=39.007246,-84.467568&sspn=0.026312,0.055618&ie=UTF8&ll=38.828475,-84.457397&spn=0.422046,0.889893&z=11
  18. I can probably hang for a bit depending on what time my game is. I imagine it'll be packed as it's the first of the year at a new location so getting in early would be good.
  19. I think I saw a bunch or nasty holes like that south bound right about there last week.
  20. I don't think I've ever done more than 150 miles(one tank of gas) on one of these rides....
  21. I'm game for a later start on Sat. gonna be pretty cold in the morning.
  22. What are you doing with the factory clip-ons? I may have a use for them.
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