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AMA News

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Everything posted by AMA News

  1. A recent presidential proclamation raises concerns indicating that the Obama Administration may press to close off more public land to responsible motorized recreation. More...
  2. Federal officials have reported that motorcycling deaths on the nation's roads dropped by 16 percent in 2009 compared to the previous year. More...
  3. Recent contribution helps celebrate 30 years of supporting MDA and brings the cumulative total to more than $76 million. More...
  4. Harden will be the company's vice president of global marketing. More...
  5. The 2011 FZ8 is designed to fill the gap between the FZ6 and FZ1. More...
  6. Yamaha announces its 1,200cc parallel-twin-powered adventure tourer is coming to the U.S. market. More...
  7. The 2011 Fury, Interstate, Shawdow RS, CRF mini-bikes and Big Red... More...
  8. The bill has moved to Governor Schwarzenegger's desk. More...
  9. Events in Asheville, N.C., and Ann Arbor, Mich., mark the 450th and 451st Ride for Kids rides. More...
  10. Timeline related to Indianapolis police officer that crashed into motorcyclists, killing one and critically injuring two others. More...
  11. Peter Lenz, from Vancouver, Wash., succumbed to traumatic injuries suffered in a crash on the warm-up lap of the USGPRU race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Aug. 29. More...
  12. Dr. Ray Ochs, director of training systems for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), was honored at the annual conference for the National Association of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators (SMSA), held in Columbus, Ohio on Aug. 20-22. More...
  13. An update on the Indianapolis on-duty police officer who crashed into a group of three motorcyclists stopped at a stoplight. More...
  14. The AMA is pleased to announce that AMA corporate member Tucker Rocky has increased its support of the motorcycling advocacy and lifestyle association by achieving 100 percent AMA membership among the company's sales associates. More...
  15. One of the country’s most popular off-highway vehicle (OHV) riding areas could soon see nearly 40,000 acres returned to the OHV ledger, thanks to a new plan developed by the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM). More...
  16. An Indianapolis police officer who crashed into two motorcycles, killing one rider and injuring two others, has been charged with seven felony counts of drunk driving and reckless homicide. More...
  17. A federal traffic safety agency is offering law enforcement agencies hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up checkpoints that target only motorcyclists, and the AMA wants to know why. More...
  18. Recently revealed documents show that a federal land management agency has been talking about changing land-use designations on public land that could close from 35 million to 140 million acres to off-highway riding. More...
  19. Owners can get a new sticker with the correct gross axle weight rating in the mail. More...
  20. A Salt Lake City television station has reported more information about a federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) internal memo related to the possible designation of national monuments. More...
  21. The 10th annual event brought together more than 300 riders and other supporters. More...
  22. Yamaha says the reflector height doesn't comply with federal law. More...
  23. MTS1200 have issues with centerstand and steering head fasteners. More...
  24. Harley-Davidson Inc. has awarded a second $1 million grant from the Harley-Davidson Foundation to the non-profit organization, the Disabled American Veterans. More...
  25. The company, Gas Gas Offroad, is based in Georgia and will import the Spanish dirtbikes into the United States. More...
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