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Posts posted by kawifan

  1. :bow: Ladies and Gentlemen Nicky Hayden has graced us with his presence, and His user name is Kawifan :bow: ...wait... even Nicky has gone down. Never mind Kawifan must be GOD!!! :eek:

    Meanwhile, I'll try to give a shit, but you pathetic little existence means less than nothing to me. Sorry, but your mildly entertaining, so I guess keep it up :rolleyes: What ever your precious little ego needs to keep it alive. Help yourself.

    He goes down riding, not falling over leaving stop signs. :lol:

  2. Jesus guys... Its not a baby. Its a freaking motorcycle.


    Sta-bil in tank and battery in the house w/charger. Bike up on front and rear stands too. Oh, and I let alot of air pressure out of the tires too. That's it. It's made of metal, just like any other vehicle. No cold temperatures are going to hurt it while it's just sitting in the garage...lol

  3. That would be a fawkin blast... 2k lbs I think that is, wonder how many USD that would be... Thats pretty cheap for travel included.

    Dude, you don't want to drop your bike for the 4th time, but this time in AFRICA. I'd forget you ever heard of this if I was you, that'd be the best thing to do.:nono:

  4. Dropped, it 3 times? And you did this one leaving a stop sign? lol. I read old posts of you playing the badass/mr.cool role before and then you say all of this! lol

    I will warn others to stay away from you. I'd consider cars if I was you, seriously.

    How old are you? You keep your bike at your MOTHERS? lol

  5. I saw the exact same thing happen "live" when I worked at MPH.

    One damp Saturday morning, a kid picked up his CBR600F4i, complete with brand new tires and frame sliders. I told him as he got on the bike to "be careful with the new skins". He told me "this is my SECOND set of tires - I know what I'm doing!". He didn't get 3 feet from the door, and his bike was spinning on its side in the parking lot. His buddy that dropped him off was laughing so hard he couldn't even help him pick the bike up.

    I didn't say a word....just walked back into the shop, sat down at my desk and laughed like a mental patient for about an hour. :lol:

    I never took my bike in for tires, just my tires alone. I guess that was a sign that he should learn to take off his own wheels and take THEM in, which is as easy as learning how to blink.

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