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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. 5: CR scores higher than a 20 on an IQ test collectively
  2. What about those two blemished stripped Spikes lowers you said you bought?
  3. After what I have seen this week, anyone you can get your hands on. The Fin had maybe a handful left on the rack yesterday and the other two local shops are clean out. I cannot speak of Vances or Buckeye but I can imagine by this weekend they will be cleared out.
  4. Guys and gals lets try and keep this gun conversation as civil as possible, someones feelings will be hurt if we dont.
  5. In most cases, yes. This case, just the Chevy
  6. Agreed, I still to this day remember the manners I was taught by my family. I think we are too relaxed on finding some of these mentally sick individuals actual help instead of giving them meds they administer to themselves, what that solution is I do not know.
  7. Things that are either sold or spoken for: Craftsman box Kobalt Box motorcycle stand engine stand air grinders radio
  8. Deal on the grinders, box is pending
  9. Get paperwork from post office, have pic taken at CVS and send it in expedited. Should be around $200 for it all
  10. They had both, have not been there in a few weeks so hard telling now. Problem your going to run into is everyone going out and buying one just to turn around and sell it, was not that hard of a gun to find for me I suppose.
  11. I walked in the Fin and bought one, only hard part was walking up the stairs to sign the papers.
  12. HOW DUSTY IS THAT THING? the gun i mean
  13. This thread is border line advertising, lets not make a habit of this.
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