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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I know, I was standing right next to you when Ant's car spewed flames... thought it was a bad time to introduce myself.
  2. only you would notice a broken mirror with a large set of sweater meat in a photo...... marriage ownz j00
  3. I want a peice Which Mike?
  4. Which set of injectors did you try and plug it into?
  5. I thought you told me you were wearing panty hose that day?
  6. Contact him and say what you just told us and if he says too bad then dispute via Paypal. How did you find out it wont work?
  7. Pics would have been better without the shadow of the camera man in them.
  8. Mine made 150.9 with the flapper mod and that was it
  9. Who can do it? I think the can for my girlfriends bike is titanium but I am not sure... just checking my bases
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