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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Home at weird times of the week brolo I can think of a million places but 3/4 of them my $1000 rear wheels would come back looking like shit and be as balanced as Lindsey Lohan on a coke binge
  2. Would it be a bad idea to have jegs mount and balance my new DRs on my new wheels? I cringe at thinking about someone fucking up my expensive ass stuff
  3. Of course as soon as i get done painting the stock to just run it the one I want goes on sale :fuuuu:
  4. I am going to try Leatherique here soon but I have had good luck with Lexol
  5. Honestly did not know it was for sale but that being said I dont have that kind of cash right off the bat. This is kind of a mod as I can type build. That is spot on with the price but with tax it still around 500. I covered what I have in it so far
  6. That is what you get for getting married! :gabe: On our honeymoon to Vegas all went well until we got to our hotel room at the Grand Desert. Carpet was all wet from a leaking A/C unit and at 11 at night drunk I busted my ass on the tile floor, needless to say I woke up the entire floor yelling at this concierge dude.
  7. After assembling and torquing it all down I went outside to take good pictures in the light and found this sleeping Jihad on the kitchen table, his death was quick and bloody: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0045.jpg I am no pro photographer but I do what I can so I got some shots outside with direct sunlight and without. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0048.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0047.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0046.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0049.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0050.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0051.jpg So far I am digging the build, however I look to the future of a full alu bedded stock with a free floating barrel and some nice glass. Right now I am torn on the Nikon Monarch 4-16x50mm and two Millets, the TRS-1 4-16x50mm and the LRS-1 6/25x56mm. All three are around $450. Stock I am looking at the Bell & Carlson Medalist M40 Varmit/Tactical stock http://www.midwayusa.com/product/273579/bell-and-carlson-medalist-m40-varmint-tactical-rifle-stock-remington-700-bdl-short-action-with-aluminum-bedding-block-system-and-adjustable-butt-plate-varmint-barrel-channel-synthetic-black So far the budget is reasonable: Rifle- $500 after instant rebate Weaver mount- $42 Harris Bipod- $65.00 KRG knob- $32 with shipping Misc- $15 Sold the factory glass- -$20 So for $634 I have a decent rifle. I would like to keep it under $1800 and the more expensive things are coming up.
  8. Since Joe started the "Bucket List" for guns thread I decided to make a build thread for my distance gun. I do not normally post pictures of my guns for my own reasons( mainly because I own junk and I am afraid Uncle Sam is watching) so please enjoy. From the start I wanted to do .308 for many reasons, it is available and it flat out works. I am not sold on all these new hybrid calibers for reasons like they are expensive and hard to find sometimes. After looking for awhile I stumbled upon a deal at Dicks sporting good. The version they sell has the uber cheap POS Hogue over molded stock ( non free float and bland magazine) and a cheap scope but the receiver/action/barrel is identical to the 700P. This particular unit comes with the X trigger which I have mixed feelings about but it will work. It is a varmit 26" barrel ( heavy contour) which is what I wanted and couple this with a good stock it is a sub MOA gun. Here is what it looks like from Dicks out of the box ( Not my photo, I was too excited to get it and ripped it apart immediately) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/24312_194.jpg After the first 30 seconds of owning it: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0039.jpg Took the stock and cleaned it up and painted it. I am no professional painter of camo but I like it, started with a tan base layer and started adding green/black/brown until the desired scheme was acheived: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0033.jpg Another issue with the stock is the fact that it is not weighted well, very front heavy. Also the buttplate is ok but the cheek rest area is hollow and noisy... they only had some foam packing sheet folded in it. So I used some aluminum wheel weights and some expanding foam to help the balance and soak up some of that hollow noise: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0052.jpg Since I am using the cheap stock the accuracy will suffer but it works for now, I can buy some good glass and start from there. Other parts I needed was a 20 MOA rail and a bi pod. I went with a Weaver rail and a Harris bi pod. The pod is not too tall since I am a bench shooter and occasionally prone. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0038.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0037.jpg I am super backed up in the man cave hence the mess, Wife keeps me busy: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0036.jpg I wont bore you with assembling the gun but I did run into some issues. The Weaver mount is a nice piece and it fits well... but not well enough. Upon trying to mount it the rear two screws were very difficult to tighten so I stopped fearing I would either bow the rail or strip out the threads. I looked at it and the rear was floating above the receiver when the front screws were bolted down but not the other way around. SO afrter looking online I found a Youtube video explaining one way to fix it: I tried his method and it turned out ok for my first try. Screws go in nice and smooth: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0040.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0041.jpg With anything precision you must be precise with torque values, cars and guns alike. I had seen this tool before the video above and decided to buy it. All I can say is it is WELL worth it. Finding inch pound torque wrenches is hard without spending a couple hundred. Simple to use and super nice quality: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0042.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0043.jpg I also wanted to find a nice knob for the bolt ( thats what she said) and I found one that did not require any machining. I basically uses the stock one and bolts over it. The unit is from KRG http://www.kineticresearchgroup.com/ and shipping was fast and it was cheap. These guys really do care about their products, nice packaging and easy instructions. They also include ways to take up any slack between the bolt handle and the cover ( they supply O rings and also go over how to bed it if necessary). I will be buying more stuff from them in the future: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0034.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0035.jpg EXTRA O RINGS http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG_0044.jpg
  9. The thread on Yellow Bullet about this is great. They keep linking that video on the Chevy dealers Facebook page hahahah. Apparently the dealership is saying they wont buy it back and Chevy is wiping their hands clean and walking away..... Chevy LOL
  10. It was some clothing shoot but I can not remember the name to save my life.
  11. I honestly could not tell you, I know some places make you measure your hand in certain ways and send in the measurements
  12. It was amazing to watch, first time since I was a kid that the half time show had me on the edge of my seat
  13. schmuckingham

    The list

    I am currently doing a similar build, maybe I should start a thread
  14. Picked this up last month, cant wait to use it. Would you recommend using it by hand instead of with a RO?
  15. I looked for awhile for my 1911 ( I was very specific) and found VZGrips could do custom work. They do offer grips for the CZ75 as well: http://vzgrips.com/gun-grips/cz-grips-1/cz-75-1
  16. While .22 caliber pistols dont tickle my pickle that is a nice collection! Nothing wrong with have multiple guns of the same caliber, makes buying ammo easy.
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