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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. LMFAO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdegQmtgFSM
  2. WHo did this for you and how much?
  3. Hahaha maybe your going to the wrong clubs
  4. Looks like my old SC61, still baller though. Precision makes some good stuff
  5. maybe i should watch this show, i <3 crazy women
  6. I know normal jeans are hard to find but you had to be oblivious to the fact that you ventured far from the mens section
  7. Non exhaust side of the motor, the fairing is completely covered in black crap. Wouldnt have noticed until i went and took the fairing s off to clean them. I am not blaming you for any of this by any means, its an old bike and needs very little loving despite the age. Just hope the coolant isnt a consistent problem
  8. ^ what they posted.......maybe i should extend my swingarm
  9. Should have pulled the old school Road Rash manuver and kicked them as you rode by
  10. what the hell is wrong with people?! its fcuking ass gas
  11. we could have called you nubs
  12. The sqeal is usually a bad alternator belt or one that isnt tensioned right. Look for a cracked valve cover, leaky T case, grinding during shifting and how long ago the timing belt/water pump/tnsioner was changed
  13. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA o dear lord gawd, your in for an ass beating from her now haha How was the motor bought???? Ebay or anything?
  14. O i get it, it was for turbospec29. I say we make a CR road trip to his house. What has he said about the motor after you guys found out it was damaged?
  15. there is that one pair though See Scott shoots the EXACT gun i showed you at the fin, both .357 and .38. If Scotty does it, it means its right
  16. Dude her pants aren't that tight but close. I can teach you how to use your shotgun or you can come up here or i can come down there and we can shoot both yours and my new one.
  17. snug nose means the barrell is almost non existent trust me the shotgun you have with some regular old shot in it would be better than a .38, plus you wouldnt have to worry about taking out the neighbors in the next door
  18. I live right next door to Mansfield, easy ride for me.
  19. Good to know, just wonder why its eating coolant and leaking oil on my trailer floor
  20. Did you paint the wheels or have them powdercoated?
  21. Dude i caught a glimpse of this show last in between puking my brains out............ What a giant steaming pile of garbage, if we displayed the everyday life of CRs memeber on TV i would be more inclined to watch V8 Beast go to the bank with his helmet on
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