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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Not a whole lot, just cleaned that tape residue stuff off the tail and decided to get different bar ends and grips. Also de- stickering a bit
  2. Gear if you need any equipment let me know i have plenty to spare
  3. What about Dragway42????? I am just down the road and can provide garage space for repairs/ tire changes and then you can drive on up to D42 and do your thing. I am located in central Ohio might make it easier for everyone
  4. A Tubgirl cake http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/tubgirl.jpg
  5. ^^BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA Gundam Wing to the rescue hahahahahah
  7. I think i bought my bike from you
  8. Wow thats not something you want to find out AFTER you release a bike
  9. Ill just start looking for boots and such based off what the norm is from your responses
  10. has to be, no one could look that stupid for a laugh
  11. so if i played the first one that was released i am ok?
  12. I had started a thread about and want to start planning something to rent S&D and just get some good fun in. Neither would suprise me either about Discounters..strange folk there
  13. well at least i get a free ride to school
  14. Dont know were i stand in this grand theme of CR, which is totally crushing to my life...............just like high school EDIT: Just read Satans post, i am a nerd
  15. Never been to a Waffle House, might have to check one out sooner or later
  16. Fellow co worker here said it was a good deal and i should try it out. Hope i dont need to know the storyline from previous DMC because the first was the last one i played
  17. read and got what you meant and im laughing my ass off.
  18. What would make someone look squiddy ( even though i technically am one)? I like my Scorpion jacket a lot, came with a nice removable liner Dweezel your killing me haha
  19. Guess i am trying to get a good idea on what most of you wear while riding on the street. ill go first Scorpion EXO-700 series helmet Scorpion Textile Hat Trick Jacket with Armor Icon textile gloves boots of some type ( thinking of getting some kind of riding boots but dont want to look like a noob wearing them while not riding that well) Jeans ( need riding jeans or something that will protect well enough)
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