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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. i have responded to two............. which in your world is every single one
  2. dont worry, 3 wide in your angus wont be so bad once cleetus/nasty nate/bubba get ahold of you
  3. you what? And yes, I know what resent means but I find it funny Cordell thinks this guy is a moron for something and yet he himself street races..... :dumb:
  4. This thread will continue just like your epic thread of fail
  5. Good CR halloween costume here or even a goof track day joke. Strap a keyboard to your shirt/forehead and actually talk to people without stairing at them from across the room.
  6. columbusineedachairtogetthecookiesfromthetopshelf.com
  7. Crappy racing vids, Cr ravaged, noob defended, jeffro got butt hurt, everyone is LOLing but the new guy and Jeffro
  8. You jelly And it was Anthonys dick I sucked, get it right.
  9. <-------See those green letters over there? That means I special, like helmet and drool special leashed to a swing set, and I can change the thread title to reflect the awesomeness that was this de-rail.
  10. You hate me dont you!? *cry* I thought what we had was special:fa:
  11. but thats your normal cloth........ never mind
  12. I honestly wont say if I am prepared or not prepared for anything like this because some people know were I live on this board. Of the top of my head it honestly depends on were I am, if I am away on work I need to get home ASAP to protect my wife but if things collapse fast then that might be a large task depending on road conditions. If I was at or near home I would pack my family up and head north to get out of the high population of Cbus ( May also syphon gas out of one of my 3 cars) and just leave my home to be looted. Angers me to say that but my families safety trumps things that can be replaced. Once I get to my "spot" i know that terrrain and lay out very well so we will hole up there for awhile, maybe even try and find some of my extended family to keep them safe.
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