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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. Yeah this an L model and the seat height is about 31 inches, probably a bit tall.
  2. They changed the laws about a year ago where some states charge other states tax. Ohio dealers have to charge certain states tax now as well, last I checked, it depends on the state, but it may be all of them now. Not 100% sure MattKatz is exactly right on how it works though.
  3. I have so many responses in my head to this statement... but I'm just gonna STFU.
  4. You all suck.. (except Recon) It was even raining when I left my house in Hilliard so I threw on the rain gear and headed out. It was just sprinkling most of the way, until I was about 5 miles away, then it was a torrential downpour for a few minutes. Again, the rest of you suck.. All good though, had fun shooting the shit with Recon Rat for awhile, nice to meet you in person by the way Tom!
  5. RIP.. From the look of those pics, he had to have been going pretty fast. He hit hard. That bike is destroyed..
  6. cool. I'll see ya'll there in a bit
  7. Cool, I'll probably stop by around then. I gotta do dinner at the girl's parents house at 5 in Pickerington, so this is on my way. (if I take the really long way.. )
  8. Dude.. is your bike ever NOT in pieces???
  9. Bummer Jess. But you're right, there is something kinda fun about a good crash and being able to get right up and walk away from it.
  10. I think they are all on 270/670/70/71 all day, everyday...
  11. You're talking about the bed extender, and yes they work awesome and are removable. I had a Frontier that came with one and I used it all the time. They will work with any truck though, they're adjustable and all you have to do is buy the mounting brackets, which are really simple and could probably make if your creative.
  12. That is good news for you, considering you have basically the same motor in one of your bikes. I was just reading (I don't remember where) the other day about a guy who has over 120k on his 02 DL1000 with no major problems.
  13. Noon seems a bit early to start a bike "night", but if you guys are gonna go around 3-4 I may stop by for a few
  14. Love the V-Strom!^^ Such a fun go anywhere, do anything bike. Obviously you do as well with 53k!
  15. Don't let her fool you into thinking she figured it out on her own...
  16. No way man.. dual sports are the most fun you can have on a motorcycle. Absolutely no limitations as to where you can go, see, and do.
  17. zerocrash

    Bunch O' Bikes

    Where the hell is Dayton???
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