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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. That would be cool also. I actually like to dress up.
  2. The piggy was really cool but I think we need a bigger venue
  3. His zombie paranoia has taken over at this point, he hates us all..
  4. What could they possibly do? All you did was tell the truth. And as far as using his name, I didn't realize dealership employees had an expected right to privacy? They give everyone who walks through the door business cards with their full name..
  5. What up mang! Thanks for putting together the meet and greet! Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk more.

  6. Some people are just paranoid wack jobs. I've had people leave and not buy the bike because they refuse to give me their social security number. I can't title the fuckin bike without it..
  7. He's a friend of mine. I thought that's where he said he was working when I saw him a couple weeks ago. Tell him Michael from Honda Northwest says hi. Yes he is good. He and I worked at another shop together for years.
  8. I may swing by after work. Do you have a dude there doing some wrenching named Ivan?
  9. Jealous are ya?? :p Sounds like you just need a nice set of 6" stiletto heels man!
  10. Since this thread is no longer in the Dayton section, I feel as though I can now contribute. Although I don't actually have anything to contribute..
  11. That's sucky. Hopefully next time you can kick fate in the junk and make it this way.
  12. I hope you don't refer to your g/f as 'it' though..
  13. Yeah you definitely gotta make the next one. This past week was beyond your control right? How far are you from Columbus?
  14. I agree. If had both pipes on the same bike in the past and they are both excellent products. I tend to lean towards Pro Circuit on a Kawi only because of Mitch Payton and his race team.
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