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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. Nothing to do with you being new. The majority on this site are just not wheelie guys (girls) or "stunters". Not to say that none of us will throw up a wheelie or stoppie from time to time, but for the most part, I would prefer to keep my license point free, as well as my bike in one piece. Have fun and do your thing though, if we all liked and did the same thing the world would be boring.
  2. Dick And maybe if you actually sold something, I'd have something to do with all this time..
  3. Maybe KTM has a grammer police spy, in which case you'll never get to ride one..
  4. I love sex with women I like cheese
  5. What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner? The location of the dirtbag.
  6. Yeah I agree, but he's obviously got the deck stacked against him
  7. Holy shit that's nasty! Hope you heal quick man.
  8. WhoDey I never noticed the stain on your pants that night... but the camera sure did!
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