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Posts posted by zerocrash

  1. You coulda come out to hang out with your buds and mingle with your customer base. :dunno:

    That's a very good point. I'll just have to tell Justin that I need the day off of the next event for networking, and explain to him that I'm only looking out for the greater good of the company. :):)

  2. I see you went with the conti sm tires, how do you like them? I'm deciding between those and some pilot powers.

    I don't have enough miles on them yet to form a true opinion but so far so good. They seem to heat up pretty quickly and feel nice and sticky. :)

    I had PP's on my CBR1000RR and definitely liked those but I wanted a specific SM tire for this application. I'll give you a better review after I put a few hundred miles on them, which will hopefully be in the next few days. :cool:

  3. I decided to go a different direction with my WR250R this year and go full supermoto instead of trail riding it. So after waiting forever for my wheels to come in from the UK they finally arrived the other night along with a DRC tail light and license plate bracket. I also got rid of the FMF exhaust I had on there and replaced it with an HMF. :cool:

    This thing is a friggin blast now!! It was fun before but now.. It's pretty much a reckless opp. waiting to happen!! :D





  4. Let me clarify a bit as I think Sara's original post was misleading.

    She would not be the one riding with our 4 year old on the bike, I would. I got my first motorcycle at 5 and have been riding ever since so I have 30 years of experience at this point (17 of which are on the street) and have owned over 60 bikes, plus I've worked in the motorcycle industry for the last 11 years so I (literally) ride daily.

    She is a novice rider and isn't even completely comfortable on her own so she would never (never ever ever) put her child at risk. Yes I know she made it sound like she wants to hop on the bike with Kasey (our 4 yr old) but that's not the case.

    She was not "seeking attention" by starting this thread, she was simply asking if anyone knew the law. Again, I know it did not come across that way, but she knows she's a novice and would never attempt to ride with any passenger, let alone her own flesh and blood child.

  5. I love having functional bags, hard or soft, but I hate the look of them unless they are OEM or matching hardbags like on the VFR, V-Strom, etc.

    Although Givi makes some pretty cool shit for anything so... nevermind

    I just know I'm sick of trying to balance a 12 pack of Bud Light on my tank/lap..

  6. He'll be riding with me more than Sara at first, until she gets some more miles under her belt anyway. He's a pretty big kid and he can already reach the pass. pegs on the Spirit, so legally are we good? :confused:

    We're certainly not going to attempt to ride across the country with him, but it would be nice for her and I to be able to ride together more often than the 1 week a month the kid goes to visit the sperm donors house.. :rolleyes:

    I've seen a few different types of belts that have some kind of connecting device for this exact purpose but I have no experience with said products.

  7. i dont like the v twins. cant really do weelies on them


    Huh.....what????? :confused:
    Then you odviously are not very good at wheelies.


    If you can't wheelie an SV, then you have no business doing wheelies!!

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