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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. granted, but your now wasting your time watching gay porn I wish I had a money tree growing in my yard
  2. granted, but you will be called into work both days from morning till night and can't enjoy any of it. I wish I could fly
  3. With the obvious popularity of the word association thread, I thought I'd introduce this here. The purpose is to make a wish, but have the next poster grant it, but corrupt it (eg. poster1: I wish my feet had jet engines in them, poster2: granted, but you can't turn them off). He in turn can make a new wish. I'll start: I wish my bike would never get a scratch.
  4. yes but if your not careful with a heat gun you can easily melt shit. And yes I speak from experience
  5. Use a hair dryer to heat them and they usually come off pretty easy. Then use Goo Gone or something similar to remove any left over glue
  6. Huh, they always work for me.. you must not be doing it right
  7. It's true, I've seen them trapping them
  8. Then the taco stand down the street must be great
  9. Did you expect any less??
  10. Definitely read the book, there are a lot of questions that are specific to it.
  11. and good looking bike you got there!! Great introduction too btw.
  12. Cool bike. There seems to be alot of SV's showing up lately
  13. I'm with you Fonz, 5 pages
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